Page 82 - 2020 November 30 Bonhams Hong Kong Fine Chinese art
P. 82

889                                                890

                 HU SHI (1891-1962)                                款識:
                 Calligraphy in Running Script                     春城無處不飛花,寒食東風御柳斜。日暮漢宮傳蠟燭,輕煙散入五侯
                 Ink on paper, hanging scroll                      家。錄韓翃詩句,拙書以應孝穎先生留念。丙午(1966)春日,錢
                 Signed Hu Shi                                     穆。
                 39.8 x 25.6cm (15⅝ x 10⅛in)
                 HKD80,000 - 120,000
                 US$10,000 - 15,000                                上款:「孝穎」應為鄭孝穎,台灣法學界知名學者,與梁實秋、錢
                 胡適 行書莎翁句 水墨紙本 立軸                                  命教育與革命哲學類要》等。

                 款識:                                               891
                 黑夜無論怎樣悠長,白晝總會到來。莎翁的話,胡適。                          YU FEI’AN (1889-1959)
                                                                   Vegetables and Insects
                 890                                               Ink and colour on silk, hanging scroll
                 QIAN MU (1895-1990)                               Inscribed and signed Fei’an, with a dedication and three seals of the
                 Poem in Running Script                            artist
                 Ink on paper, scroll                              Dated yihai year (1935)
                 Inscribed and signed Qian Mu, with a dedication and two seals of the   82.7 x 37.9cm (32½ x 14⅞in)
                 Dated bingwu year (1966)                          HKD120,000 - 150,000
                 58 x 35cm (22⅞ x 13¾in)                           US$15,000 - 19,000

                 HKD30,000 - 50,000                                Provenance:
                 US$3,900 - 6,500                                  Purchased by the previous owner between 1968 and 1970 from
                                                                   Beijing Antique Store for RMB30, and thence by descent.
                 錢穆 行書錄韓翃詩 水墨紙本 鏡心 一九六六年作
                                                                   于非闇 蔬果蜂蝶圖 設色絹本 立軸 一九三五年作

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