Page 84 - 2020 November 30 Bonhams Hong Kong Fine Chinese art
P. 84


                 ZHAO SHAO’ANG (1905-1998)
                 Bamboo and Insect; Poem in Running Script
                 Ink and colour on paper; ink on paper, framed
                 Inscribed and signed Shao’ang, dated jiazi year (1984), with two seals of   款識:
                 the artist. The calligraphy signed Shao’ang, with one seal of the artist   (畫)
                 29.2 x 36.3cm (11½ x 14¼in) each (2)                秋信催人慣,涼吟入夜清。甲子(1984)春二月,少昂。
                 HKD80,000 - 120,000                                 故國經亂感荒涼,尚喜黃花送晚香。最是滿城風雨急,傷心人怕近
                 US$10,000 - 15,000                                  重陽。題菊花,少昂於蟬嫣室。

                 Provenance:                                         鈐印:少昂、趙、佛形印、趙少昂
                 Sotheby’s Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Paintings, 5 April 2013, lot 1332
                 Published:                                          蘇富比香港,《中國書畫》,2013年4月5日,拍品編號1332
                 Refer to the Chinese text
                 趙少昂 竹葉草蟲、行書七絕 設色、水墨紙本 鏡框 一九八四年作                     《趙少昂書畫精粹》,新加坡,緣畫廊,一九九五年,頁85

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