Page 88 - 2020 November 30 Bonhams Hong Kong Fine Chinese art
P. 88



                 YUAN KEWEN (1889-1931)                            款識:
                 Calligraphy in Running Script                     康南海養頤圖。辛巳(1941)夏月,慕康鄭師玄。
                 Ink on paper, horizontal scroll
                 Signed Kewen, with a dedication and two seals of the artist   鈐印:慕康
                 41.4 x 157.8cm (16¼ x 62⅛in)
                 HKD30,000 - 50,000                                PU RU (1896-1963)
                 US$3,900 - 6,500                                  Eight Horses and Two Grooms
                                                                   Ink and colour on paper, horizontal scroll
                 袁克文 回首射天狼 水墨紙本 橫批                                 Inscribed and signed Pu Ru, with two seals of the artist and one
                                                                   collector’s seal. Annotation signed Xuexi, with one seal of his.
                 款識:                                               21 x 65cm (8¼ x 25⅝in)
                                                                   HKD60,000 - 80,000
                 鈐印:寒雲千秋萬歲、洹上袁克文印                                  US$7,700 - 10,000
                 900                                               溥儒 人馬圖 設色紙本 橫批
                 ZHENG SHIXUAN (1901-1982)                         溥佺題識
                 Portrait of Kang Youwei
                 Ink and colour on paper, framed                   款識:
                 Titled and signed Zheng Shixuan, with one seal of the artist   駿蹄踏邊月,冷霑滿平沙。應遇漢飛將,旌旗出褒斜。溥儒。
                 Dated xinsi year (1941)
                 37.4 x 92.2cm (14¾ x 36¼in)                       題識:
                 HKD30,000 - 50,000
                 US$3,900 - 6,500                                  鈐印:(溥儒)舊王孫、玉壺
                 鄭師玄 康有為像 設色紙本 鏡框 一九四一年作                           藏印:平羽珍藏

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