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P. 224
Power and Agility – A Tang Dynasty Sancai Polo Player
Rosemary Scott, Senior International Academic Consultant Asian Art
Amongst the most dynamic ceramic sculptures ever produced in China “The most prized mounts for battle, hunting, and polo were quite large,
are those from the Tang dynasty, which, like the current example, depict perhaps sixteen hands. They had a heavier frame than today’s thoroughbreds
polo players riding at full gallop and stretching out from the saddle to swing yet their thin legs, agility, and lively manner made them diferent from
their mallets. The powerful sense of movement of the horse and the athletic present-day draft horses. A contemporary polo player was amazed that the
balance of the rider are perfectly captured by the ceramic artist. The horse’s ‘heavy’ horses depicted in the mural in Crown Prince Zhanghuai’s tomb could
legs are extended front and back, in a movement known as ventre à terre, which be so nimble. These Tang horses ... have the same heavy body and ‘Roman’
emphasizes the impression of speed, while the rider twists from the waist with nose – quite diferent from today’s classic Arabian horses – as the horses
arm raised to strike the ball. ridden by the Sasamans, and many authorities speculate that they were all
descendants of the famous ‘imperial’ Nisean breed of Achaemenid Persia, as
The horse has long made a signifcant contribution to life in China and to the pictured at Persepolis.” (Virginia Bower, ‘Polo in Tang China – Sport and Art’,
present day remains an important part of the lives of those inhabiting China’s Asian Art, Winter 1991, pp. 27, 32.) The horse depicted in the current ceramic
northern steppes. It is thought that the domestication of the horse in China sculpture therefore represents the results of a carefully managed imperial
began in the Neolithic period, and it is from this time that the earliest artistic breeding programme.
representations of horses have been found. Horses are shown in considerable
variety and number among cave paintings dating to both the Neolithic and the The Han and Tang periods were both characterized by major artistic
Bronze Age from Inner Mongolia and Gansu province, while stone carvings achievements and among the visual arts of both periods, depictions of horses
showing life-like horses have been found at Bronze Age sites at Bayan Urad, provide some of the fnest examples. During the Han dynasty large unglazed
Dengkou County, Inner Mongolia. At the same site a carving showing a man pottery horses were made in the south west of China in Sichuan province.
riding a horse has been found (illustrated by University Museum and Art Smaller wooden or ceramic horses were often painted with cold pigments,
Gallery, Hong Kong in Heavenly Horses, Hermès, Hong Kong, 1997, nos. 4-6). while bronze horses, such as the so-called ‘fying horse’ found in 1969 near
the city of Wuwei in Gansu province, brought horse sculpture to a new level.
From this time onward there developed a spiritual and artistic fascination However, the most universally admired ceramic horses are those, like the
with horses in China. Horses were valued, not only as animals which could be current example, which were made for the tombs of the Tang dynasty elite.
ridden, but as dray animals and, perhaps most importantly, as creatures of war. These horses, representing wealth and power, played a signifcant part in
The use of horses to draw war chariots and as steeds for cavalry proved crucial emphasising the importance of the occupant of the tomb. These were not
in China’s internal and external conficts. The Chinese belief in the afterlife just war horses or horses used for transport, but were also horses ridden for
and the concern with providing the deceased with those items essential for his leisure pursuits – most importantly hunting and polo. The ceramic horses of
or her well-being in the world after death has ensured that abundant evidence the Tang dynasty were either decorated with sancai (three-colour) glazes or
has been preserved attesting to the importance of the horse in ancient China. were unglazed and cold-painted. Both techniques were extremely successful,
but the sancai glazes, seen on the current fgure, produced brilliant, lasting
The royal tombs of the Shang dynasty (c. 1600-1100 BC) at Xibeigang include colours, emphasizing the horses’ powerful bodies. The horses depicted, as
burials of real horses, chariots and charioteers, all of whom were interred with noted above, combine power and agility - qualities which are brought out by
their masters in order to serve them in the afterlife. This gruesome practice the ceramic artist.
was replaced in later periods by the interment of models in clay, wood or
bronze. The most famous excavation of such models is undoubtedly the huge Although a 3rd century AD poem by the Chinese poet Cao Zhi (曹植AD
ceramic army made to accompany the First Emperor of China (Qin Shihuang) 192–232) mentions hitting a ball on horseback, and a mural in the circa AD 584
to the grave in the third century BC. This army, found in Lintong County near tomb of Xu Minxing in Shandong province depicts a man mounting a horse
Xi’an in Shaanxi province, included life-size soldiers and horses, all carefully while holding what appears to be polo sticks, the frst clear written evidence
modelled and painted. The First Emperor was also provided with bronze of polo in China dates to the Tang dynasty, when the game was referred to as
chariots. Although these are only three-quarter size, the imperial chariots, jiqiu (擊球 strike ball). Today the game is more usually referred to as maqiu
horses and charioteers are masterpieces of the metalworker’s craft, showing (馬球 horse ball) or damaqiu (打馬球strike horse ball). Polo was a particularly
every tiny detail including that of the harnesses (see Li Xixing (ed.), The Shaanxi popular activity at the Tang court and was played by both men and women.
Bronzes, Shaanxi People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, Xi’an, 1994, pp. 330-2). The rider on the current horse is female. Polo was specifcally encouraged
by two Tang emperors, Taizong (r. AD 626-649) and Xuanzong (r. AD 712-
During the Han dynasty (206 BC-AD 220), the famed Ferghana horses were 56). It was not only seen as an exciting game, but as being excellent for the
introduced into central China from the West. These revered horses were development of certain useful skills, which, in the case of the young men of
known for their speed, power and stamina, and were sometimes referred to the court, could be applied to military activities. It is signifcant that a spirited
as ‘blood-sweating’ horses, or ‘thousand li horses’, after the belief that they polo match, involving more than 20 horsemen, is depicted in a mural on one
were able to cover a thousand li in a single day. These Ferghana horses were side of the entrance tunnel to the tomb of Li Xian Crown Prince Zhanghuai,
crossed with other breeds, such as the Mongolian-type horses of China’s dated circa AD 706 (see The Silk Road- Treasures of Tang China, The Empress
northern regions. In the Tang dynasty (AD 618-907) horses were regarded as Place Museum, Singapore, 1991, p. 74). (Fig.1) Zhanghuai was ordered to
essential to military capability and the defence of the realm, and their breeding commit suicide by his mother Empress Wu Zetian in AD 684, but after his
was considered of national importance. At the beginning of the Tang dynasty brother Zhongzong came to the throne in AD 705, Zhanghuai was reinterred
China’s horse population was at a very low level but through an elaborate at the Qianling Mausoleum northwest of the capital Xi’an in AD 706 with full
system of stud farms the number of horses was raised from 5,000 to 706,000 honours. The mural in his tomb shows the players using stirrups, which is not
during the frst ffty years of the dynasty. The stud farms were established always the case for Tang equestrians, but which can clearly be seen on the
in Gansu, Shanxi and Shaanxi, each ideally with 50,000 horses, which were current ceramic fgure. More signifcantly, the mural’s appearance in this royal
assigned to herds of 120 animals. The horses were also carefully crossed tomb is indicative of the importance of polo at the Tang court of the early
with various breeds from diferent parts of central Asia in order to achieve the 8th century.
perfect blend of strength and agility. It is also signifcant that in AD 703 the
Tang court received several fne Arab horses. Virginia Bowers has noted that: