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PROPERTY FROM THE ANNA-MARIA AND STEPHEN KELLEN FOUNDATION, NEW YORK              The status of these cups can perhaps be judged by the fact that at the end
                                                                                  of the inscription, which accompanies the decoration on each cup, there is
1223                                                                              an underglaze blue seal character which reads: shang. This character may be
A FAMILLE VERTE ‘PRUNUS’ ‘MONTH’ CUP                                              translated as ‘enjoy’, for example to enjoy or appreciate the fowers depicted.
                                                                                  However, in this context it is more probable that it should be translated as
KANGXI SIX-CHARACTER MARK IN UNDERGLAZE-BLUE WITHIN A                             ‘reward’, with the implication of being bestowed by a superior (in this case
DOUBLE CIRCLE AND OF THE PERIOD (1662-1722)                                       the emperor) as a reward for meritorious service.
The cup is delicately enameled on one side of the exterior with a fowering
prunus tree, narcissus and bamboo growing from a rocky outcrop, and the           The current cup is representative of the 11th month of the Chinese lunar
reverse with a ten-character poetic inscription referring to the scene, followed  calendar, usually identifed by the fowering prunus (meihua) tree growing
by a seal mark, shang (‘appreciation’).                                           from rocks amidst bamboo and narcissus.
2 in. (4.9 cm.) high
                                                                                  The inscription reads:
                                                                                  Su yen xue ning shu, qing xiang feng man zhi (‘The prunus blossom is pure
This small, exceptionally thinly potted cup is from one of the imperial sets      like snow on the tree, its subtle fragrance moves like breeze through the
of wine cups depicting the Flowers of the Twelve Months. A complete set           branches.’)
of twelve month cups in the collection of the Percival David Foundation is
illustrated by R. Scott in Elegant Form and Harmonious Decoration - Four          Cups from these ‘Twelve Months’ sets have always been greatly prized
Dynasties of Jingdezhen Porcelain, Percival David Foundation, London/             for their delicacy, the artistry of their decoration, and for the pleasing
Singapore, 1992, p. 113, no. 122.                                                 relationship between the designs and the poems chosen to complement
                                                                                  them. If, in addition, they were received from the emperor as gifts in honor
Each of these cups was decorated in a particularly fnely painted version          of services rendered to the throne, they would have been even more greatly
of the wucai palette, with rocks and clumps of grass painted in a soft            treasured.
underglaze blue, while the majority of the decoration is rendered in overglaze
famille verte enamels.                                                            清康熙 五彩「梅花」花神盃 雙圈六字楷書款


     (another view)

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