Page 107 - J.J. Lally Chinese Art CHRISTIE'S March 23 2023 NYC
P. 107

851 A JIZHOU LEAF-DECORATED    南宋ǭम州窯黑釉木葉紋盞
 The conical bowl is decorated on the interior with the purplish-
 brown and light-buff gossamer imprint of a large leaf against the
 dark-brown glaze, which thins to an amber color at the rim and
 ends above the foot.

 5√ in. (14.9 cm.) diam., brocade box
 J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. 4490.

 Leaf-decorated tea bowls, referred to in Chinese as muye wenyang   A bowl of this type from the Ataka Collection, classified as an
 wan or shuye tuyang wan (‘tree-leaf-pattern bowls’), are the most   Important Cultural Property of Japan, is in The Museum of
 famous products of the Jizhou kilns and among the most celebrated   Oriental Ceramics, Osaka, and illustrated by G. Hasebe, Ceramic
 of all ceramics made for tea use. The design was created by affixing   Art of the World, Sung Dynasty, Tokyo, 1977, vol. 12, pp. 109-10,
 a leaf to the interior of a bowl and then immersing the bowl in   figs. 107-8. Another comparable bowl is illustrated in Oriental
 the dark brown glaze slurry. When fired in the kiln, chemical   Ceramics, The World’s Great Collections, Tokyo National Museum,
 reactions stripped the leaf of its dark brown color, creating a   Tokyo, 1980, vol. 1, no. 94. See, also, the very similar example
 ghostly impression of the leaf structure, typically golden amber   from the Yangdetang Collection, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong,
 or pale yellow in color. For further discussion of the processes   30 November 2016, lot 3162.
 involved in producing leaf decoration and for two examples of
 bowls decorated in this manner, the first from the collection of   The result of C-Link Research and Development Ltd.
 The Art Institute of Chicago and the second from the Arthur M.   thermoluminescence test no. 2649WG19 is consistent with the
 Sackler Museum, Harvard University, see R. Mowry, Hare’s Fur,   dating of this lot.
 Tortoiseshell, and Partridge Feathers, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1996,

 pp. 259-62, nos. 107 and 108.

 (another view)

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