Page 111 - J.J. Lally Chinese Art CHRISTIE'S March 23 2023 NYC
P. 111

855 A MOLDED AND CARVED YAOZHOU                            北宋ǭ耀州窯青釉内印童子外劃花草紋盌
                CELADON `BOYS’ BOWL
                NORTHERN SONG DYNASTY (AD 960-1127)                  Ϝ源
                The bowl with notched rim is molded on the interior with
                three boys swinging playfully from boughs of jagged leaves and
                peony buds. The exterior is freely carved with a loose pattern    The complex design on the present bowl, combining molded
                of foliate motifs. The bowl is covered overall with a glaze of    decoration on the interior and carved decoration on the exterior,
                olive-green tone.                                    as well as the large size, are extremely rare.
                8 in. (20.3 cm.) diam., cloth box
                                                                     Compare the smaller Yaozhou bowl decorated on the interior with
                $20,000-30,000                                       boys and lotus, but with plain exterior, illustrated by R. Krahl in
                                                                     Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection, vol. 1, London, 1994,
                                                                     p. 238, no. 427. See, also, the small conical bowl molded with boys
                J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. 3668.
                                                                     amidst a foliate design on the interior, also with plain exterior, in
                                                                     the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in The Complete Collection of
                                                                     Treasures of the Palace Museum - 32 - Porcelain of the Song Dynasty (I),
                                                                     Hong Kong, 1996, p. 128, no. 114.

 ‘DUCK AND LOTUS’ BOWL AND    耀州窯青釉印花鴨戲蓮塘紋盌及盤प一։
 The petal-lobed bowl is decorated with a band of swimming ducks
 and lotus encircling a central floral medallion beneath leafy scroll.   藍理捷
 The saucer has an upturned rim and is similarly decorated on the
 interior with a band of ducks swimming amidst stylized waves,   A Yaozhou celadon bowl of this rare form impressed with the
 lotus and sagittaria, which surround the central medallion with   same design, from the Yao Zhou Ware Museum, is illustrated in
 a blossoming lotus stem. Both are covered overall with a glossy,   The Masterpieces of Yaozhou Ware, Osaka, 1997, p. 108, no. 147.
 olive-green glaze.  Another petal-lobed Yaozhou bowl with a closely related pattern
 is illustrated by J. Ayers in The Baur Collection, Geneva, 1968,
 Cup: 4 in. (10 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box   (2)
 pl. A26, and by J. Wirgin in Sung Ceramic Designs, B.M.F.E.A.
 Saucer: 5¡ in. (13.5 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box
 No. 42, Stockholm, 1970, pl. 8h. Compare, also, small Yaozhou
 $15,000-25,000  bowls molded with very similar patterns discovered at the Yaozhou
 kiln sites in Huangpu, Shaanxi province, illustrated in Song dai
 Yaozhou yaozhi (The Yaozhou Kiln Site of the Song Period),
 Kochukyo Co. Ltd., Tokyo, 1993.
 Beijing, 1998, pl. 41-3 and 41-4, with line drawings on p. 172,
 J. J. Lally & Co., New York.
 pl. 172-8 and 172-9 and descriptions on p. 173.
 A very similar Yaozhou celadon saucer is illustrated by J. Ayers in
 The Seligman Collection of Oriental Art, vol. II, Chinese and Korean
 Pottery and Porcelain, London, 1964, pl. LI, D146, and by J. Wirgin,
 op. cit., pl. 10f. Another Yaozhou celadon saucer of closely related
 form but with a raised ring at the center is illustrated by R. Hobson
 in Catalogue of the Eumorfopoulos Collection, vol. II, pl. LII, B176.

 (another view)

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