Page 170 - J.J. Lally Chinese Art CHRISTIE'S March 23 2023 NYC
P. 170

888 A LONGQUAN CELADON                                      南宋ǭ十Հ 十Ӳ世紀ǭ龍泉窯青釉鬲式Ӳ足‐
               TRIPOD CENSER
               SOUTHERN SONG DYNASTY, 12TH-13TH CENTURY             Ϝ源
                                                                    .JDIBFM .PJTTFZ 1PTUBO爵士	         
               The compressed body is raised on three tapered feet and has a flat
               everted rim, with three narrow flanges beginning at a slight ridge   女勳爵	         
                                                                    #MVFUU   4POT
               on the shoulder and trailing down each leg. The censer is covered
               overall with a lustrous sea-green glaze of even tone.  3BZ 5IPNQTPO家族Ⅷ藏
 編號3 5
                                                                    %SJFT #MJU[
               5æ in. (14.5 cm.) diam., cloth box                   藍理捷
               $80,000-120,000                                      展覽
     年  月    日
               Sir Michael Moissey Postan (1899-1981) and Lady Cynthia
               Rosalie Postan (1918-2017) Collection.               ֨ḛ
               Bluett & Sons, London.                               #MVFUU   4POT
               Ray Thompson Family Collection, no. R.T. 24.         $FSBNJDT》
               Dries Blitz, Amsterdam.
               J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. 3712.
               London, Bluett & Sons, The Postan Collection of Early Chinese
               Ceramics, 8-25 November 1972.
               Bluett & Sons, The Postan Collection of Early Chinese Ceramics,
               London, 1972, no. 17.

               The shape of this censer, based on that of the ancient bronze ritual
               food vessel, li, was produced from the Southern Song into the
               Yuan period for the domestic as well as the export market. The
               numerous tripod censers retrieved from the Sinan shipwreck (1323)
               provide evidence that this shape was much sought after in Japan,
               the original destination of the ship's cargo, and where they have
               since been widely collected.
               Longquan celadon censers of this classic form from the Qing Court
               Collection, now in the Beijing Palace Museum, are illustrated
               in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum - 33 -
               Porcelain of the Song Dynasty (II), Hong Kong, 1996, p. 136, pl.
               122, p. 139, pl. 125, and pp. 140-141, pl. 12. Another slightly
               smaller censer of this form, also reportedly from the Qing Court
               Collection, now in the Percival David Foundation, London, is
               illustrated by M. Medley in The World’s Great Collections: Oriental
               Ceramics, vol. 6, New York, 1982, no. 37.

               Other Longquan celadon censers of this form are in several
               museum collections, including one in the Tokyo National Museum
               in Oriental Ceramics, The World's Great Collections, vol. 1, Tokyo,
               1982, no. 97. Other comparable censers include the example
               illustrated by J. Ayers, The Baur Collection: Chinese Ceramics,
               vol. I, Geneva, 1972, no. A99; and the censer in the National
               Palace Museum, Taipei, included in the Illustrated Catalogue of
               Sung Dynasty Porcelain, Taipei, 1974, no. 12. A larger example
               (19.7 cm. diam.), found in 1991 in Jinyu village of Nanqiong,
               Suining city, Sichuan province, is illustrated in Longquan Celadon:
               The Sichuan Museum Collection, Macau, 1998, pp. 210-11, no. 83.

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