Page 196 - J.J. Lally Chinese Art CHRISTIE'S March 23 2023 NYC
P. 196

901 A YELLOW-GLAZED                                        清康熙ǭ黃釉暗刻團花紋盌ǭ雙圈六字楷書款                                                   ~902 A RARE LAVENDER-BLUE CRACKLE-
               ‘MEDALLIONS’ BOWL                                                                                                                   GLAZED TRIPOD CENSER
               KANGXI SIX-CHARACTER MARK IN UNDERGLAZE BLUE         Ϝ源                                                                             KANGXI PERIOD (1662-1722)
               WITHIN A DOUBLE CIRCLE AND OF THE PERIOD (1662-1722)  舊金山邦Ẃ斯
     年  月  日
 拍品                                                       The deep censer of bombé-form is raised on three short legs and rises
               The deep bowl is incised on the interior with a stylized floral   藍理捷
 編號                                                        to the slightly flaring rim, and is applied with two ‘C’-scroll handles.
               medallion and on the exterior with four medallions and scrolling                                                                    The exterior is covered with a pale lavender-blue glaze suffused with
               cloud motifs above a lappet border. It is covered overall with a                                                                    a network of black crackles, which thins slightly around the rim and
               bright yellow glaze.                                                                                                                stops neatly around the concave base. The interior is covered with a
                                                                                                                                                   finely-crackled pale-grey glaze.
               4æ in. (12.1 cm.) diam., cloth box
               $6,000-8,000                                                                                                                        6º in. (15.8 cm.) across handles, hardwood cover and stand, cloth box
               Bonhams & Butterfields San Francisco, 15 December 2009,                                                                              PROVENANCE:
               lot 8289.                                                                                                                           Christie's London, 15 May 2007, lot 250.
               J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. 4572.                                                                                              J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. 4374.

               A similar bowl with Kangxi mark is illustrated by R. Krahl                                                                          The lavender-blue crackled glaze seen on this censer is rare. For
               and C. von Spee in Chinese Ceramics from the Gulexuan Collection,                                                                   a Kangxi-period bottle vase covered with the same lavender-blue
               Germany, 2003, pp. 128-9, no. 97, and was previously sold at                                                                        crackled glaze in the Freer Gallery of Art see Oriental Ceramics: The
               Christie's London, 13 December 1976, lot 55. Another example                                                                        World’s Great Collections, vol. 9, The Freer Gallery of Art, Washington
               in the Percival David Foundation is included in the Illustrated                                                                     D.C., New York, 1981, col. pl. 23, pp. 167-168.
               Catalogue of Ming and Ch'ing Monochrome, London, 1973,
               no. A599. Bowls of this pattern continued to be made during
               the Qianlong and Daoguang periods.                                                                                                  清康熙ǭ藍釉冰ㅆ紋雙耳Ӳ足‐
     年 月  日
                                                                                          (base)                                                   藍理捷
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (another view with cover and stand)

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