Page 47 - J.J. Lally Chinese Art CHRISTIE'S March 23 2023 NYC
P. 47


 TANG DYNASTY (AD 618-907)
 The exterior of the cup is engraved with a wide band of leafy   Ϝ源
 flower scroll reserved on a ring-punched ground below a narrow   (JPWBOOJ 'BCSJ 醫⊂Ⅷ藏
 band of florets linked by ‘C’-scrolls. The splayed foot is decorated
 with four fan-shaped panels, each engraved with a different   富比,    年 月  日,拍品編號
 flower. The cup is covered overall in thick, well-preserved   歐洲☆՞Ⅷ藏
 gilding, with small areas of malachite and cuprite encrustation.  藍理捷
 2¬ in. (6.7 cm.) high, cloth box
 This finely engraved stem cup exemplifies the refinement of
 Tang-dynasty metalwork. Compare a smaller gilt-bronze stem
 PROVENANCE:  cup engraved with a different pattern of floral scroll on a ring-
 Dr. Giovanni Fabri Collection.  punched ground from the collection of Mrs. Roy Hunt illustrated
 Highly Important Chinese Tang Pottery, Metalworks and   by H. Trubner in The Arts of the T’ang Dynasty, Los Angeles,
 Sculpture from a European Private Collection; Sotheby's London,   1957, no. 121. Another smaller gilt-bronze stem cup in the Avery
 10th June 1986, lot 34.  Brundage Collection, engraved with a hunting scene, is illustrated
 Private European collection.  by J. Fontein and Wu Tung, Unearthing China’s Past, Boston, 1973,
 J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. 4728.  p. 180, pl. 93.

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