Page 51 - J.J. Lally Chinese Art CHRISTIE'S March 23 2023 NYC
P. 51

816 AN ENGRAVED GILT-BRONZE                                唐ǭ鎏金銅刻狩℞紋高足杯
                STEM CUP
                TANG DYNASTY (AD 618-907)
                The exterior of the cup is engraved with a continuous scene of   Ϝ源
                two hunters on horseback, one with a club extended and ready to
                strike, the other with bow drawn and followed by two hounds, all   藍理捷
                reserved on a ring-punched ground below a foliate scroll band.
                The gilded surface has areas of green patination.
                2º in. (5.7 cm.) high, cloth box
                Acquired in Hong Kong, 1999.
                J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. 3098.
                A gilt-bronze stemcup of this form engraved with similar
                hunting scene in the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, is
                illustrated in Chinese Art in the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto,
                1972, p. 221, no. 139. A silver stem cup with similar design,
                unearthed in 1970 from a treasure hoard at Hejiacun in the
                southern suburbs of Xi’an, Shaanxi province, is illustrated
                in Wenwu, 1972, No. 1, p. 39, no. 19. The same stemcup is
                illustrated again in Zhongguo Meishu Quanji, (The Great Treasure
                of Chinese Fine Arts), Vol. 10: Gongyi Meishu Bian (Works of
                Art and Craft), Beijing, 1987, p. 23, no. 49, with full description
                on p. 14.

 815 A GILT-BRONZE LOCK  唐ǭ鎏金銅鎖
 TANG DYNASTY (AD 618-907)
 The lock comprises a long slender rod connected to an oblong    Ϝ源
 box containing the mechanism, with a quadrangular slot at one       年前入藏於香港
 end of the box to receive the key. The sliding bolt at the other   藍理捷
 編號    C
 end is cast with a bud-shaped decoration in relief. The long rod
 is threaded through two rings attached to plain medallions. Each
 piece has a gilt surface with traces of bright green patination.
 7 in. (17.8 cm.) long, softwood stand
 Acquired in Hong Kong prior to 2000.
 J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. 3328b.
 A Tang-dynasty gilt-bronze lock of this type was excavated
 from the tomb of Princess Linchuan (d. AD 682), north of
 Xinzhai village, Zhao town, Liquan county, Shaanxi Province,
 and is illustrated in Wenwu, 1977, No. 10, p. 54, fig. 7.

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