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Fig. 2 Brush washer, Jun ware, Northern Song dynasty, early 12th century. Asia Society, New York: Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd Collection,                     (the current gold cup)
                        1979.138. Photography by Synthescape, courtesy of Asia Society. Photo credit: Asia Society / Art Resource, NY.

               In addition to related gold cups unearthed in Inner Mongolia, the   The most famous Jun examples include one in the Mr. and Mrs.   With its engaging shape, handsome design, burnished side     1    Kai-yin Lo, Bright as Silver, White as Snow: Chinese White Ceramics from Late Tang to
               collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, includes   John D. Rockefeller 3 Collection at The Asia Society, New York    walls, and delicately chased decoration, this exquisite gold cup   Yuan Dynasty: Examples from the Kai-yin Lo Collection (Hong Kong: Yungmingtang),
                                                                                                                                                                                                       1998, (translated by Brenda W.L. Li), p. 120.
               an allied gold cup (M.30-1935),  (Fig.1) and J.J. Lally & Co., New   (1979.138) (Fig. 2), one in the Sir Herbert Ingram Collection at   ranks amongst the masterpieces of the Chinese goldsmith’s art.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       2     Wang Jianqi and Shao Qinglong, eds., Chengjisihan: Zhongguo gudai beifang caoyuan
               York, featured a kindred gold cup in the March 2002 exhibition   the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford University (EA1956.1326), and        Noteworthy also for its distinguished provenance and lengthy
                                                                                                                                                                                                       youmu wenhua [Genghis Khan: The Ancient Nomadic Culture of the Northern China],
               Chinese Porcelain and Silver in the Song Dynasty (cat. no. 11).    another in the Sir Percival David Collection now housed at the   record of exhibition and publication, it stands alongside the rarest
                                                                                                                                                                                                       1st ed. (Beijing: Beijing Chubanshe), 2004, p. 270.
               Formerly in the collection of Carl Kempe (1884–1967), a silver cup   British Museum, London (PDF.67). A similarly shaped Yaozhou   treasures from the Song dynasty.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      3   See: Susan Whitfield, ed., The Silk Road: Trade, Travel, War and Faith (Chicago:
               of similar form and with related lotus-blossom décor on its floor   vessel—which has been termed a xi, or brush washer, by the                                                          Serindia Publications), 2004, p. 239, pl. 169. According to Victoria and Albert
               sold at Christie’s, New York, on 12 September 2019, lot 583. 5  museum curators—and now in the Capital Museum, Beijing, was        Robert D. Mowry                                      Museum records, this cup was originally attributed to the Tang dynasty but was
                                                                                                                                                  Alan J. Dworsky Curator of Chinese Art Emeritus,     re-attributed to the Yuan dynasty on 22 September 2009 by Peking University
                                                                    excavated from a Jin-dynasty tomb in Beijing. A “moon white”
                                                                                                                                                  Harvard Art Museums, and                             Professor Qi Dongfang, who is a specialist in Chinese gold and silver. Also see:
               In Song and Jin times, vessels of this shape inspired ceramic   Yaozhou vessel, also termed a xi and now in the Yaozhou Kiln       Senior Consultant, Christie’s              
               imitations in Jun ware and Yaozhou ware; whatever their function   Museum, Shaanxi province, was one of the thirty-six, Jin-dynasty,                                                   4   See: J.J. Lally & Co., ed., Chinese Porcelain and Silver in the Song Dynasty, March 18–
               might have been at the time of manufacture, those vessels were   Yaozhou vessels in a cache recovered at Liulinzhen, Yaozhouqu,                                                         April 8, 2002 (New York: J.J. Lally & Co.), 2002, no. 11.
               often used as brush washers by Ming- and Qing-period literati.   Tongchuan, Shaanxi province in April 1988. 6                                                                           5   See: Christie’s, New York, ed., Masterpieces of Early Chinese Gold and Silver, 12
                                                                                                                                                                                                       September 2019 (New York: Christie’s), 2019, p. 155, Lot 583.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      6   At the time of the discovery, the place was known as Liulinxiang, Yaoxian, Tongchuan,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Shaanxi province.
               紙本ক絹本花鳥畫,並細意模仿後者精巧之構圖Ǯ寫實之畫風কリ雲                       宋金時期,鈞窯ক耀州窯均有仿燒此類形制的陶≢版本;無論其燒造                                                定ल為洗,屬於     年 月在陝西銅川耀州區柳林鎮出土的一批  ։                        羅啟妍著ηǗ如銀Κ雪 ĜĜ 中४晚唐至元代白瓷賞析:羅啟姸收藏★選ǘ頁    	香港:雍明
               流水般的線條ǯ                                              時的原始⊇途,明清文՞的確經常ս之充當✖洗ǯ就⒖ल度最高的鈞                                                金ջ窖藏文物ǯ
                                                                                                                                                                                                          王建琪Ǐ邵清隆主編ⅲǗ成吉思汗:中४۵代٫方草原遊Ḵ文٪ǘⓧ ḛ頁    	٫̺:٫̺֨ḛ
                                                                    窯實例而㈲,一者出自紐約Ռ洲協會 	館藏號        
,此乃洛克菲勒                                                                                              社,    
                                                                                                                                                                                                          4VTBO 8IJUGJFME編著ⅲǗ5IF 4JML 3PBE  5SBEF
 8BS BOE 'BJUIǘ頁   圖ḛ
               內蒙ऒ曾出土若干近ַ金盃,而倫敦的維多利Ռ與艾֬特博物館ՔⅧ                       Ӳ世֖儷舊藏 	.S  BOE .ST  +PIO %  3PDLFGFMMFS   $PMMFDUJPO
;其Հ                     此例極品金盃的造型美不勝收,而且設㈷別出心ㅅ,器壁拋光細膩,再
                                                                                                                                                                                                       芝؟哥:4FSJOEJB 1VCMJDBUJPOT,    
               藏一例近ַ之ה 	館藏號.        
, 紐約+ +  -BMMZ   $P 於    年     為英格朗爵士舊藏 	4JS )FSCFSU *OHSBN $PMMFDUJPO
,→已入藏牛津大                              襯ս精心鏨刻的紋飾,洵為中國藝ワटӳ不ज多得的ӳ乘金器ǯ再者,                      η品,٫̺૯學教授齊東方於    年 月  日更〖為元代η品,齊教授為中४金銀器專家ǐ۷可參

                月舉辦「$IJOFTF 1PSDFMBJO BOE 4JMWFS JO UIF 4POH %ZOBTUZ 	中國宋ջ  學艾希莫林博物館 	館藏號&"         
;औ一例源自大維德爵士舊                                 這։ה品身世顯赫,且屢屢→身於प大展㈇ক學ワ鉅著,足證此乃宋                       見:IUUQT   DPMMFDUJPOT WBN BD VL JUFN 0      DVQ VOLOPXO ǐ
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 .BSDI   ě

」展㈇,展品中也一։類ַ的金盃 	圖錄編號  
ǯ                     藏,ի藏倫敦大英博物館 	館藏號1%'   
ǯ北京首都博物館也有一։                                           ջⅧ品中的巔峰之הǯ
     ǘ圖錄編號   	紐☼: + +  -BMMZ   $P ,    
               年 月  日,紐約צ士得拍出一։卡‰Ĥ凱波 	    至    年
 舊藏銀               形制相若的耀州器,它是北京一座金ջऒ墓的出土文物,該館專家稱                                                                                                         紐☼ωૈ得編著ⅲǗ .BTUFSQJFDFT PG &BSMZ $IJOFTF (PME BOE 4JMWFS
                                                                                                                                                  毛瑞 	3PCFSU %  .PXSZ
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ǘ頁   拍品編號    	紐☼:ωૈ得,    
               盃,其器形與本拍品相若,內底Ք刻ऱ一類型的蓮花紋 	拍品編號   
                   之為洗ǯऔ一例耀州窯月白釉近ַ例為陝西耀州窯博物館藏,它ऱ樣                                                哈ζ૯學藝術博ḵ館̯洲部榮ㅁ主任暨ωૈ得高級顧問                                文ḵ֨土̃際,てঃ仍稱陝西銅川市耀✥柳林鄉ǐ
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