Page 77 - J.J. Lally Chinese Art CHRISTIE'S March 23 2023 NYC
P. 77

830 AN EXTREMELY RARE YUE   Նջ 北宋ǭ十 十一世紀ǭ
 CELADON EWER, COVER AND   越窯青釉帶蓋執壺及溫盌
 10TH-11TH CENTURY  藍理捷
 The ewer has an almost spherical body incised with four large
 floral medallions alternating with pairs of foliate sprays below
 scrollwork bands at the shoulder and the base of the neck, and
 is flanked by the short, curved spout and arched, double-strap
 handle, both with incised foliate motifs. The domed cover fits
 over the neck of the ewer and is decorated with petal lappets and
 further scrolls. The deep basin is decorated on the exterior with
 four scroll-filled medallions and on the interior with a central
 design of stylized waves. The ewer, cover and basin are covered
 overall with a translucent glaze of pale olive-green tone.
 Ewer: 7æ in. (19.7 cm.) high, brocade box
 Basin: 6Ω in. (16.5 cm.) diam., brocade box
 J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. 3757.

 This type of Yue ewer is exceptionally rare. Only a handful of
 published examples are known, with varying decoration of foliate
 roundels as seen on the present ewer, birds or parrots, or no
 decoration. Even rarer, and perhaps unique, is that it has survived
 together with its corresponding basin.

 A Yue ewer of similar form, incised with twin parrot medallions
 and foliate decoration, in The Metropolitan Museum of Art,
 New York, is illustrated by S. Valenstein in A Handbook of
 Chinese Ceramics, New York, 1975, p. 78, no. 72a, and also on the
 Musuem’s website. (Fig. 1) The Met ewer also exhibits the same
 whitish kiln adhesions on the base as those seen on the present
 ewer. (Fig. 2)

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