Page 114 - Sotheby's Junkunc Collection March 2019
P. 114
Other scholars have developed a different theory and propose that these fittings in fact functioned
as crossbow supports on a chariot. Both fittings were attached horizontally to the front left panel of a
chariot, adjacent to the occupants. The crossbow was placed facing down, with its bow resting on the
curved shafts and its handle positioned obliquely upward, ready at hand for a quick draw.
The present fitting is notable for its bird-head terminal, which appears to be rare among extant examples.
Related examples include: a silver-inlaid crossbow fitting, also with a bird-head terminal, in the Avery
Brundage Collection, published in René-Yvon Lefebvre d’Argencé, Ancient Chinese Bronzes in the Avery
Brundage Collection, Berkeley, 1966, pl. XLIX, fig. B. Compare also a pair of gold and silver-inlaid crossbow
fittings, with a serpent-head terminal, included in the exhibition Chinese Art of the Warring States Period.
Change and Continuity, 480-222 B.C., Freer Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., 1982, cat. no. 26; another pair
published in Chinesische Gold und Silber. Die Sammling Pierre Uldry, Rietberg Museum, Zurich, 1994, cat.
no. 28a; a single fitting from the Ernest Erickson Foundation, sold in these rooms, 6th December 1989,
lot 32; and a pair of undecorated fittings sold in these rooms, 4th November 1978, lot 277.
其他學者則據上述考古發現另作推論,認為承弓器乃 版XLIX,圖B。另比一對蛇首錯金銀例,曾展於
放置弓弩之固定支架,兩件承弓器裝於戰車前半左側 《Chinese Art of the Warring States Period.
射手座位旁邊,弩弓朝下置於承弓器彎臂上,弩臂斜 Change and Continuity, 480-222 B.C.》,弗
上放置,便於迅速拔取。 瑞爾美術館,華盛頓,1982年,編號26;再比一
對例,載於《Chinesische Gold und Silber. Die
本品前端作鳥首飾,於存世類者之中頗為罕見。可 Sammling Pierre Uldry》,雷特伯格博物館,蘇黎
參考一相類鳥首錯銀例,現藏於艾弗里•布倫戴奇 世,1994年,編號28a;Ernest Erickson 基金會曾
收藏,載於 René-Yvon Lefebvre d’Argencé, 收藏單件例,售於紐約蘇富比1989年12月6日,編
《Ancient Chinese Bronzes in the Avery 號32;尚有一對例,無紋飾,售於紐約蘇富比1978
Brundage Collection》,柏克萊,1966年,圖