Page 128 - Yangdetang Coollection of Jades November 2017 HK
P. 128

2774                                                                       來源
A FINELY CARVED JADE ‘THREE                                                1999年以前購自台北雲中居
WESTERN HAN DYNASTY (206 BC-AD 8)                                          工細膩,為漢代玉雕之精品。山東巨野縣紅土山墓出土一件非常相似、
The slide is carved in high relief with three of the ‘Guardians of         細部均與本劍璏有異曲同工之妙,其中兩者紋飾尾巴上均以弧形凹槽表
Four Directions’- the Blue Dragon in the centre, with a bifurcated         達扭曲狀,及以陰刻線條表達身體肌理,應為同期作品。此例子著錄於
tail, confronted by the Red Bird and White Tiger.                          1986年北京出版《中國美術全集 -9- 玉器》,圖版176號。亦可參考廣
3 √ in. (10 cm.) long, box                                                 州南越王墓出土一組劍首、劍格及劍珌,上飾類似的高浮雕蟠螭,著
                                                                           錄於1993年石家莊出版《中國玉器全集 -4- 秦‧漢-南北朝》,圖版
HK$200,000-300,000 US$26,000-39,000                                       78-82號。


Acquired from Chang Wei-Hwa & Company, Taipei, prior to

The present scabbard slide, superbly carved in high relief depicting the
three ‘Guardians of Directions’, displays remarkable detail and exudes
great vigour, exemplifying the mastery of Han-dynasty jade carvers. A
very similar scabbard slide dating to early Han dynasty, though only with
two dragons, was excavated in Hongtushan, Shandong, illustrated in
Zhongguo meishu quanji -9- yuqi, Beijing, 1986, pl. 176 (fig. 1). On this
example, features similar to those of the present slide can be observed,
such as the grooves on the dragon’s tail and incised-line markings on
the bodies. Similar high-relief dragons can also be found on a set of
jade sword guard, pommel and chape excavated from the tomb of King
Nanyue in Guangzhou, illustrated in Zhongguo yuqi quanji -4- Qin, Han
and Southern and Northern Dynasties, Shijiazhuang, 1993, pls. 78-82.

西漢 玉三靈紋劍璏                                                                  fig. 1

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