Page 61 - Yangdetang Coollection of Jades November 2017 HK
P. 61

It is believed hair ornaments of this type were inserted upright into      此鳥紋笄應該與信奉及膜拜玄鳥的石家河先民有關,或用作插於巫覡頭
a Shaman’s hair, and probably used as a ritual object to increase          上的法器。國立故宮博物院藏一件造型幾乎一樣的玉笄,長11.45公分
Shamans’ powers of communication with heaven. An almost identical          (故玉1082/天-717-1-7-14),著錄於2012年台北出版《敬天格物-中
hair ornament (11.45 cm.), dating to the late Shijiahe Culture, is in the  國歷代玉器導讀》,圖版4-5-11號。院藏另一件相似例,有殘缺(故玉
National Palace Museum Collection (acquisition no. guyu 1082/tian-717-     5821/呂-1804-1),見同上,圖版3-3-30號。亦可參考一件較長例子
1-7-14) and illustrated in Art in Quest of Heaven and Truth- Chinese       (13.6公分),出土於商代婦好墓,其線圖著錄於鄧淑蘋著,1999年國立故
Jades through the Ages, Taipei, 2012, pl. 4-5-11. In the catalogue, it     宮博物院出版《羣玉別藏續集》,頁30,插圖21:1號。
is stated that the Shijiahe people belonged to the bird-worshipping Yi
people who moved from the Shandong Peninsula to the middle reach
of the Yangzi River. Another very similar but reduced example in the
Museum (acquisition no. guyu5821/lv-1804-1) is illustrated ibid., p. 35,
pl. 3-3-30. A slightly longer jade ornament of almost identical design
(13.6 cm. long) and attributed to Shijiahe Culture was excavated from
the Shang dynasty Fu Hao tomb, its line drawing illustrated in Teng Shu-
p’ing, Collectors’ Exhibition of Archaic Chinese Jades, National Palace
Museum, Taipei, 1999, p. 30, pl. 21:1.

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