Page 68 - Yangdetang Coollection of Jades November 2017 HK
P. 68

2725 Continued                                                                虎作匍匐狀,部分元素如眼睛及耳朵以寫實方式表達,其他部位如虎斑
    The zoomorphic design of this piece is characteristic of jade carvings        可能本用作珮飾。
    from the Shang dynasty. It is notable that while certain features on
    the tiger are naturalistically rendered, such as the eyes and ears, other     商婦好墓曾出土四件立雕玉虎,其中一件亦作匍匐狀,雖身體較修長
    elements are more abstractly represented, such as the use of square           (14.1公分),但風格與本件相似,故本件定年商後期。上述婦好墓例子
    scrolls to highlight the stripes on the body. The apertures in the tiger’s    現藏中國社會科學院考古研究所,著錄於 1986年北京出版《中國美術全
    mouth and tail suggests it might possibly have been worn as a pendant.        集 -9- 玉器》,圖版72號(圖一)。另一件與婦好墓例子相近的玉虎出
    Four jade tigers were excavated from the tomb of Lady Fu Hao, the             -2- 商.西周》,圖版234號。養德堂珍藏另一件定年商代的玉虎,見
    consort of King Wu Ding of Shang, thus giving rise to the dating of this      鄧淑蘋,《羣玉別藏》,台北,1995年,圖版22號。
    piece to the late Shang period. One of these four pieces is represented
    in recumbent form, in a similar position as the current tiger, also with
    an upturned tail (fig. 1). Though longer in length (14.1 cm.), it is closely
    related to the current tiger and is now in the collection of Institute
    of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, illustrated in
    Zhongguo meishu quanji -9- yuqi, Beijing, 1986, pl. 72. Another jade
    tiger similar to the Fu Hao example, dating to the early Western Zhou
    period (16.5 cm.), was excavated in Pangjiagou in Luoyang, illustrated
    in Zhongguo yuqi quanji 2- Shang & Western Zhou, Shijiazhuang,
    1993, pl. 234. There is another jade tiger dating to the Shang dynasty
    in the Yangdetang Collection, illustrated in Teng Shu-p’ing, Collectors’
    Exhibition of Archaic Chinese Jades, Taipei, 1995, pl. 22.

                                                                                  fig. 1

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