Page 95 - Status & Ritual Chinese Archaic Bronzes
P. 95

Vat Symbols and Explanation

You can find a glossary explaining the meanings of words coloured in bold on this page at the end of the section of
the catalogue headed ‘Conditions of Sale’
VAT payable


   No We will use the VAT Margin Scheme. No VAT will be charged on the hammer price.
   Symbol VAT at 20% will be added to the buyer’s premium but will not be shown separately on our invoice.

† We will invoice under standard VAT rules and VAT will be charged at 20% on both the hammer price and buyer’s premium
              and shown separately on our invoice.

θ For qualifying books only, no VAT is payable on the hammer price or the buyer’s premium.

* These lots have been imported from outside the EU for sale and placed under the Temporary Admission regime.
              Import VAT is payable at 5% on the hammer price. VAT at 20% will be added to the buyer’s premium but will not be shown separately
              on our invoice.

Ω	 These lots have been imported from outside the EU for sale and placed under the Temporary Admission regime.
              Customs Duty as applicable will be added to the hammer price and Import VAT at 20% will be charged on the Duty Inclusive hammer price.
              VAT at 20% will be added to the buyer’s premium but will not be shown separately on our invoice.

α	 The VAT treatment will depend on whether you have registered to bid with an EU or non-EU address:
              • If you register to bid with an address within the EU you will be invoiced under the VAT Margin Scheme (see No Symbol above).
              • If you register to bid with an address outside of the EU you will be invoiced under standard VAT rules (see † symbol above)

‡ For wine offered ‘in bond’ only. If you choose to buy the wine in bond no Excise Duty or Clearance VAT will be charged on the hammer.
              If you choose to buy the wine out of bond Excise Duty as applicable will be added to the hammer price and Clearance VAT at 20% will be
              charged on the Duty inclusive hammer price. Whether you buy the wine in bond or out of bond, 20% VAT will be added to the
              buyer’s premium and shown on the invoice.

VAT refunds: what can I reclaim?

If you are:

A non VAT registered                                                                           No VAT refund is possible
UK or EU buyer
                                                                                               The VAT amount in the buyer’s premium cannot be refunded.
UK VAT registered                               No symbol and α                                However, on request we can re-invoice you outside of the VAT Margin Scheme under normal
buyer                                                                                          UK VAT rules (as if the lot had been sold with a † symbol). Subject to HMRC’s rules,
                                                                                               you can then reclaim the VAT charged through your own VAT return.
                                                * and Ω
                                                                                               Subject to HMRC’s rules, you can reclaim the Import VAT charged on the hammer price through
EU VAT registered                               No Symbol and α                                your own VAT return when you are in receipt of a C79 form issued by HMRC. The VAT
buyer                                                 †                                        amount in the buyer’s premium is invoiced under Margin Scheme rules so cannot normally be
                                                      * and Ω                                  claimed back. However, if you request to be re-invoiced outside of the Margin Scheme under
Non EU buyer                                                                                   standard VAT rules (as if the lot had been sold with a † symbol) then, subject to HMRC’s rules,
                                                No Symbol                                      you can reclaim the VAT charged through your own VAT return.
                                                      † and α
                                                      ‡ (wine only)                            The VAT amount in the buyer’s premium cannot be refunded. However,
                                                      * and Ω                                  on request we can re-invoice you outside of the VAT Margin Scheme under normal UK VAT
                                                                                               rules (as if the lot had been sold with a † symbol).
                                                                                               See below for the rules that would then apply.

                                                                                               If you provide us with your EU VAT number we will not charge VAT on the
                                                                                               buyer’s premium. We will also refund the VAT on the hammer price if you
                                                                                               ship the lot from the UK and provide us with proof of shipping, within three months
                                                                                               of collection.

                                                                                               The VAT amount on the hammer and in the buyer’s premium cannot be refunded.
                                                                                               However, on request we can re-invoice you outside of the VAT Margin Scheme under normal
                                                                                               UK VAT rules (as if the lot had been sold with a † symbol).
                                                                                               See above for the rules that would then apply.

                                                                                               If you meet ALL of the conditions in notes 1 to 3 below we will refund the following tax charges:

                                                                                               We will refund the VAT amount in the buyer’s premium.

                                                                                               We will refund the VAT charged on the hammer price. VAT on the buyer’s premium can
                                                                                               only be refunded if you are an overseas business.
                                                                                               The VAT amount in the buyer’s premium cannot be refunded to non-trade clients.

                                                                                               No Excise Duty or Clearance VAT will be charged on the hammer price providing you export
                                                                                               the wine while ‘in bond’ directly outside the EU using an Excise authorised shipper. VAT on the
                                                                                               buyer’s premium can only be refunded if you are an overseas business. The VAT amount in
                                                                                               the buyer’s premium cannot be refunded to non-trade clients.

                                                                                               We will refund the Import VAT charged on the hammer price and the VAT amount
                                                                                               in the buyer’s premium.

1. We CANNOT offer refunds of VAT               (a) have registered to bid with an address     We charge a processing fee of £35.00          in a manner that infringes the rules outlined  7. All reinvoicing requests must be
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under £100.                                     4. Details of the documents which you          your export/shipping we will issue you        Schemes. You should take professional
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EU buyers must:                                 VAT team at the address below.                 If you later cancel or change the shipment
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