Page 32 - Sotheby's Imperial Chiense Porcelain Nov 4 2020 London
P. 32

163                                                    165
                                                             AN AGATE MONKEY AND BAT                                A CELADON AND RUSSET JADE
                                                             GROUP                                                  ‘BOY AND LION’ GROUP
                                                             QING DYNASTY, 18TH                                     MING DYNASTY
                                                                                                                    the boy seated with his left hand resting
                                                             cleverly carved and pierced using the                  on the head of a recumbent lion, the
                                                             caramel and greyish-white colours of                   animal with its head turned, the stone
                                                             the stone to depict two monkeys and                    an even celadon tone with russet
                                                             a butterfly to the front face, with a bat              highlights
                                                             and lingzhi to the reverse                             Width 7.6 cm, 3 in.
                                                             Width 5 cm, 2 in.
                                                                                                                    ‡ £ 10,000-15,000
                                                             ‡ £ 5,000-7,000
                                                                                                                    明   褐斑青玉童子戲獅擺件


                                                             164                                                                                                              166
                                                             A YELLOW JADE KNOT PICKER                                                                                        A RARE PALE CEALDON JADE
                                                             QING DYNASTY, 18TH                                                                                               ‘QILIN’ GROUP
                                                             CENTURY                                                                                                          QING DYNASTY, 17TH/18TH
                                                             in the form of a mythical beast, its head
                                                             with almond-shaped eyes and horns,                                                                               the two entwined qilin with heads turned
                                                             the flattened sinuous body incised with                                                                          to the right and limbs tucked beneath,
                                                             scrolls and terminating in a curled tail,                                                                        the wide faces set with round eyes,
                                                             the stone with light russet inclusions                                                                           pointed horns and a tapering beard, the
                                                             Length 7 cm, 2¾ in.                                                                                              bifurcated tails wrapped around, the
                                                                                                                                                                              stone a pale celadon colour with russet
                                                             ‡ £ 6,000-8,000                                                                                                  inclusions
                                                                                                                                                                              Width 7 cm, 2¾ in.
                                                             黃玉雕瑞獸形觿                                                                                                          ‡ £ 30,000-50,000


        60      Buyers are liable to pay both the hammer price (as estimated above) and the buyer’s premium together with any applicable taxes and Artist’s Resale Right                               61
                (which will depend on the individual circumstances). Refer to the Buying at Auction and VAT sections at the back of this catalogue for further information.
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