Page 50 - Sotheby's Imperial Chiense Porcelain Nov 4 2020 London
P. 50

198                                                             200
                                                    PROPERTY FROM A EUROPEAN FAMILY COLLECTION                      PROPERTY FROM A EUROPEAN FAMILY COLLECTION
                                                    A SMALL FAMILLE-ROSE SAUCER DISH                                A PINK GROUND FAMILLE-ROSE ‘MEDALLION’ BOWL
                                                    DAOGUANG SEAL MARK AND PERIOD                                   DAOGUANG SEAL MARK AND PERIOD
                                                    the exterior painted with gnarled branches of magnolia and      the rounded sides rising to a flared rim, the exterior painted
                                                    prunus flowers extending over the rim into the interior and     with four roundels enclosing various flowers, trees, and
                                                    issuing further blossoms and buds, the base with a six-         rockwork, divided by stylised lotus sprays, all reserved on a
                                                    character seal mark in iron-red                                 light-pink sgraffiato ground, the interior painted in the centre
                                                    Diameter 12.4 cm, 4 ⅞ in.                                       in underglaze blue with a rabbit in a landscape, the base with a
                                                                                                                    six-character seal mark in underglaze blue
                                                    £ 4,000-6,000                                                   Diameter 14.8 cm, 5⅞ in.
                                                    清道光   粉彩過枝花卉紋小盤                                                 PROVENANCE
                                                    《大清道光年製》款                                                       Eileen Kershaw Antiques, Hong Kong, 1990.
                                                                                                                    £ 15,000-25,000
                                                                                                                    清道光   粉地粉彩錦上添花開光花卉圖盌
                         198                                                                                        《大清道光年製》款

                                                    A FAMILLE-ROSE ‘BAJIXIANG’ SAUCER DISH
                                                    DAOGUANG SEAL MARK AND PERIOD
                                                    painted to the interior in a bright lime-green enamel with      201
                                                    interlinked floral blossoms encircling a central flower head,
                                                    surrounded by bajixiang motifs at the well, the exterior        PROPERTY FROM A EUROPEAN FAMILY COLLECTION
                                                    decorated with further stylised flowers borne on leafy stems,
                                                    the base inscribed with a six-character seal mark in underglaze   A PINK GROUND FAMILLE-ROSE ‘MEDALLION’ BOWL
                                                    blue                                                            DAOGUANG SEAL MARK AND PERIOD
                                                    Diameter 15 cm, 5⅞ in.
                                                                                                                    the rounded sides rising to a flared rim, the exterior with four
                                                    PROVENANCE                                                      circular panels enclosing flowering plants divided by stylised
                                                                                                                    floral sprays, all reserved against a pale-pink sgraffiato ground
                                                    Formerly in a private South American Collection.
                                                                                                                    incised with scrolling vines, the interior painted to the centre
                                                                                                                    with a rabbit in a landscape, the base with a six-character seal
                                                    £ 7,000-9,000
                                                                                                                    mark in underglaze blue
                                                                                                                    Diameter 14.8 cm, 5⅞ in.
                                                    清道光   粉彩八吉祥紋小盤
                                                    《大清道光年製》款                                                       £ 8,000-12,000
                                                    來源                                                              清道光   粉地粉彩錦上添花開光花卉圖盌                                          201
                           199                                                                                      《大清道光年製》款

        96      Buyers are liable to pay both the hammer price (as estimated above) and the buyer’s premium together with any applicable taxes and Artist’s Resale Right                              97
                (which will depend on the individual circumstances). Refer to the Buying at Auction and VAT sections at the back of this catalogue for further information.
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