Page 52 - Sotheby's Imperial Chiense Porcelain Nov 4 2020 London
P. 52

203                                                             205
                                                    PROPERTY FROM A EUROPEAN FAMILY COLLECTION                      PROPERTY FROM A EUROPEAN FAMILY COLLECTION
                                                    A PAIR OF UNDERGLAZE-BLUE AND IRON-RED                          A WUCAI ‘DRAGON AND PHOENIX’ BOWL
                                                    ‘LOTUS’ BOWLS                                                   JIAQING SEAL MARK AND PERIOD
                                                    DAOGUANG SEAL MARKS AND PERIOD
                                                                                                                    the deep rounded sides painted around the exterior with two
                                                    each painted around the exterior with four upright lotus        five-clawed dragons in pursuit of a ‘flaming pearl’, alternating
                                                    flowers in iron-red supported on thin curved leafy stems in     with phoenix in flight, reserved on a leafy floral ground, the
                                                    underglaze blue, the base with a six-character seal mark in     interior with a central dragon medallion, the base with a six-
                                                    underglaze blue                                                 character seal mark in underglaze blue
                                                    (2)                                                             Diameter 14.9 cm, 5⅞ in.
                                                    Diameters 8.1 and 8 cm, 3  and 3 2/16 in.
                                                    PROVENANCE                                                      Purchased in Hong Kong, 1988.
                                                    Acquired in Hong Kong in 1987.
                                                                                                                    £ 4,000-6,000
                                                    £ 3,000-5,000
                                                                                                                    清嘉慶   五彩龍鳳呈祥紋盌
                            203                     清道光   青花礬紅彩番蓮紋盃一對                                               《大清嘉慶年製》款
                                                    《大清道光年製》款                                                                                                                       205
                                                    來源                                                              於1988年購自香港

                                                    204                                                             206
                                                    PROPERTY FROM A EUROPEAN FAMILY COLLECTION                      PROPERTY FROM A EUROPEAN FAMILY COLLECTION
                                                    A CORAL-RED-GROUND FAMILLE-ROSE BOWL                            A GREEN-ENAMELLED ‘DRAGON’ JAR AND COVER
                                                    DAOGUANG SEAL MARK AND PERIOD                                   JIAQING SEAL MARK AND PERIOD
                                                    the exterior painted with sprays of peony, hibiscus, lily,      painted around the body with two five-clawed dragons in
                                                    chrysanthemum, camellia and aster, all reserved on a rich       pursuit of flaming pearls amidst clouds, all between a register
                                                    ruby-red ground, the base with a six-character seal mark in     of bajixiang and a border of lotus-lappets, the flat-topped cover
                                                    underglaze blue                                                 similarly decorated, the base with a six-character seal mark in
                                                    Diameter 12.9 cm, 5⅛ in.                                        underglaze blue
                                                                                                                    Height 21.3 cm, 8⅜ in.
                                                    Purchased in Hong Kong, 1988.                                   PROVENANCE
                                                                                                                    Acquired from Marchant & Son, London, February 1986.
                                                    £ 6,000-8,000
                                                                                                                    £ 20,000-30,000
                                                    清道光   珊瑚紅地粉彩九秋同慶盌
                                                    《大清道光年製》款                                                       清嘉慶   白地綠彩雲龍趕珠紋蓋罐
                           204                      於1988年購自香港                                                      於1986年2月購自倫敦Marchant & Son


        100     Buyers are liable to pay both the hammer price (as estimated above) and the buyer’s premium together with any applicable taxes and Artist’s Resale Right                              101
                (which will depend on the individual circumstances). Refer to the Buying at Auction and VAT sections at the back of this catalogue for further information.
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