Page 107 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
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Fig.5                                             Fig.6

           Ten zitan boxes of various sizes                  and stored, but also painted enamel wares, Yixing enamelled
           Two black lacquered boxes of various sizes        wares, glass enamel etc. Therefore, it is not difficult for us
                                                             to grasp the meaning of ‘the matching case was placed in
           Eighteen nanmu boxes of various sizes             the Qianqing Palace with the enamel vessels.’ The Qianlong
           Thirteen firwood boxes                            Emperor determined that the pair of painted enamel melon-
                                                             shaped teapots met the standards for the enamelware in the
           Decree: match the boxes with the porcelain. By order of    Qianqing Palace.
           the Emperor.                                      Fifth, the Archives of the Fifth year of the Qianlong reign clearly
           On the Fifth day of the Fifth month commissioner Bai Shixiu   stated ‘two melon-shaped teapots with painted enamel on
           selected several pieces of porcelain and assigned a box to   copper body’. Where is the pair to the Parry teapot?
           it and presented it to eunuch Hu Shijie for inspection. The   The answer to this question remains unclear as two other
           remaining unpaired pieces will be presented separately when   similar teapots are known in museum collections: the first, is
           the assembly is completed. Then all the porcelains in the   now in the Palace Museum in Taipei  ; and the second is in
           Chonghua Palace and the Yangxin Hall will also be selected   the Nelson-Atkins Museum, Kansas City, Missouri (
           and placed in the matching box according to the order. On the   24.1,2). The shape (Fig.10), size, form and mark (Fig.11), and
           cover of the box list the name and colour of the porcelain.  4  decorative style of the Palace Museum, Taipei teapot, as well
           The Qianlong Emperor’s orders contain important information  as that of the Nelson-Atkins Museum teapot (Fig.12) are the
           which can be summarised as follows: Firstly, already in   same, except that compared to the Parry teapot, the flowers
           the Third year of his reign, the Qianlong Emperor began to   painted on the body are different and there is a slight variation
           organise and collect the precious porcelains in the Forbidden   in the form of the dragons on the handle and spout. The Parry
           City. From the Archives we can tell that the boxed porcelains   teapot is painted with plum blossoms, peonies, hollyhock,
           included those from the Song dynasty and up to his own   and lotus, while the landscape paintings are similar but not
           reign. Secondly, he kept his porcelain in the Qianqing Palace   identical to the other two teapots. The Taipei Palace Museum
           and the Duanning Hall on the eastern side of the Forbidden   teapot is marked with the reference number Lü 4 8 8 24-1.
           City. Thirdly, the boxes had labels or were carved with the   What does this tell us? At the beginning of the establishment
           name, age, colour and grade of the piece. Fourth, objects   of the Palace Museum on 10th October 1925, they began to
           were packed in pairs with boxes. From these records we can   stock check the collections in the Forbidden City. At the time,
           infer that it was not just porcelain that was packed in boxes   they numbered the various palaces and halls in the order of

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