Page 75 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
P. 75
This expertly-carved box and cover in the form of a Bodhi leaf 碧玉琢作菩提葉形,器壁雕琢圖案化的花葉紋,內分七淺格。此痕都
demonstrates the skill of the craftsmen who were producing fine 斯坦式玉盒細緻流麗,因循古印度蒙兀兒皇朝傳統。在蒙兀兒帝國治
objects within the Mughal Empire from the beginning of the 17th 下,伊斯蘭玉器逐漸形成獨特的裝飾風格,乾隆中期二十一年(1756
century and throughout the 19th century. )記載痕都斯坦玉器自中亞傳入進貢帝王,令乾隆皇帝大為激賞,自
Mughal jades were greatly praised by the Chinese Court during the 不出數載至乾隆二十九年(1764)造辦處之中國匠人已能十足摹作。
eighteenth century and the Qianlong Emperor especially admired them. 乾隆帝傾愛痕都斯坦式玉器,曾作超過七十首御製詩讚譽匠人臻化巧
The first carved Mughal jade bowl sent from Central Asia as tribute to 工,玉質純潔淨美。參鄧淑蘋著《故宮所藏痕都斯坦玉器特展》,
the Imperial Court is recorded for AD 1756, and thereafter tribute gifts 國立故宮博物院,台北,1983年。
of this type continued throughout the Emperor’s reign and beyond. The
Emperor was fascinated by these beautiful objects and wrote more 參考台北國立故宮博物院藏一件花形分隔盒,收錄於《越過崑崙山的
than seventy poems eulogising the many Mughal-style jade carvings in 珍寶——院藏伊斯蘭玉器特展》,台北,2016年,頁186;及一例葉
his collection. In these poems he praised the exceptional skills of the 形盒,收錄於鄧淑蘋主編《國色天香——伊斯蘭玉器》,台北,2007
carvers together with the purity of the material; see the Catalogue of a 年,頁159,編號200。
Special Exhibition of Hindustan Jade in the National Palace Museum,
Taipei, 1983, pp.83-93. 紐約佳士得曾售一件十八/十九世紀白玉葉形盒,2012年9月14日,
For a further example of a Mughal jade multi-compartmentalised
flower-form box and cover, see Treasures from Across the Kunlun
Mountains: Islamic Jades in the National Palace Museum Collection,
Taipei, 2015, p.186, no.187; another related white jade leaf-shaped
lobed box and cover, featuring a similar arrangement of compartments,
is illustrated in Exquisite Beauty. Islamic Jades, Taipei, 2007, p.159,
A related white jade Mughal lobed leaf-shaped box and cover,
18th/19th century, was sold at Christie’s New York, 14 September
2012, lot 1028.