Page 89 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
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A RARE CINNABAR LACQUER CARVED See a related carved cinnabar lacquer tripod Compare with a carved cinnabar lacquer
TRIPOD INCENSE BURNER, DING incense burner and cover, second half of tripod bowl and cover, Qianlong, without
Qianlong the 18th century, without handles but with handles, but of similar globular form, which
Of archaistic form, carved around the exterior similar globular body and carving, in Brighton was sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 2 June
with taotie masks and archaic style motifs Pavilion until 1848, illustrated by J.Ayers, 2017, lot 666.
on a diaper-pattern ground, the globular Chinese and Japanese Works of Art in the
body supported on three legs terminating in Collection of Her Majesty The Queen, vol. 造型古雅,獸面蹄足上承半球形腹,口沿兩
clawfeet issuing from mythical-beast heads, III, London, 2015, p.873. See also a related 側各有一曲耳,器外壁以錦地饕餮紋為飾。
set with a pair of S-shaped handles, with cinnabar lacquer box and cover in the form of 布萊頓英國皇家行宮內於1848年前藏有一
hardwood stand and cover with jadeite finial, a tripod ding, Qianlong/Jiaqing, illustrated by 例十八世紀下半葉剔紅鼎式帶蓋香爐,與
original metal liner. D.Clifford, Chinese Carved Lacquer, London, 本例形制相似惟無附耳,圖見J.Ayers著,
15.1cm (6in) wide. (3). 1992, p.138, pl.113. Drawing inspiration from 《Chinese and Japanese Works of Art in the
antiquity in form and design was strongly Collection of Her Majesty The Queen》,卷
£6,000 - 10,000 advocated by the Qianlong Emperor who 三,倫敦,2015年,頁873。另參考一例清
CNY54,000 - 89,000 actively guided the production of Court 乾隆/嘉慶剔紅鼎式帶蓋盒,收錄於D.Clifford
lacquerwares. He proposed to ‘restore 著,《Chinese Carved Lacquer》,倫
ancient ways’, referring to the view of ancient 敦,1992年,頁138,圖版113。
清乾隆 剔紅饕餮紋三足爐 culture as having intrinsic qualities of sincerity,
simplicity and happy exuberance. For this 乾隆帝十分推崇自古物中取材器物造型與設
Provenance: purpose the Emperor instructed the Court to 計,其慕古之情對清代宮廷漆器藝術之影響
Spink & Son Ltd., London (label) collect drawings of antiquities, such as the Xi 甚深。亦因其提倡「復古」,當時清宮內匯
Parry Collection, London, and thence by Qing Gu Jian (Catalogue of Xiqing Antiquities); 集大量古物圖譜如《西清古鑑》等,相關討
descent see Chang Li-tuan, The Refined Taste of the 論可參見張麗端《宮廷之雅:清代仿古及畫
Emperor: Special Exhibition of Archaic and 意玉器特展圖錄》,台北,1997年,頁49-50
來源: Pictorial Jades of the Ch’ing Court, Taipei, 。另有多例乾隆年間的仿古漆器,見《和光
倫敦古董商Spink & Son Ltd.(標籤) 1997, pp.49-50; and see Carving the Subtle 剔彩——故宮藏漆》,台北,2008,編號
倫敦Parry家族收藏,並由後人保存迄今 Radiance of Colors: Treasured Lacquerware 167-169,可為參考。香港蘇富比曾於2017年
in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, 2008, 6月2日售出一座清乾隆剔紅三足蓋盌,拍品
p.117, and for Qianlong period archaistic 編號666,可資比對。
lacquer examples see nos.167-169.
Image courtesy of the
Royal Collection Trust
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please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.