Page 86 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
P. 86

The opulence and exquisite craftsmanship shown in the present   插屏中央月洞形開光以鏨卷草紋鎏金銅帶為緣,開光內於平面松綠漆
           screen exemplifies the peak of Qianlong period craftsmanship. No   地上鑲嵌各色玉石,組成「蟾宮月兔圖」;玉兔蹲坐石上,昂首仰望
           cost was spared to accomplish the auspicious Daoist representation,   蒼松,蒼松之下有靈芝一株。開光四周為掐絲琺瑯流雲五蝠花果紋。
           utilising different techniques and a variety of prized materials, from   插屏背面為另一幅黑漆地嵌寶松石圖。剔紅屏框以回紋為飾,並在邊
           cloisonné enamel, gilt-bronze, carved lacquer to hardstone inlay,   框上方兩角及上緣嵌有灰綠象牙錦地紋條。所附紫檀底座亦同樣嵌有
           stained ivory, zitan and boxwood.                 牙雕飾件及黃楊木鏤刻纏枝花卉。

           With its exquisite decoration of the rabbit with a lunar-like roundel, the   本插屏造工之精細及裝飾之富麗,可堪體現乾隆時期工藝高峰。全器
           present lot was most likely associated with the Moon festival or Mid-  之製作包括了掐絲琺瑯、銅胎鎏金、雕漆等工藝,材料則囊括了從象
           Autumn festival, when China’s Emperors worshipped the moon and   牙、紫檀至黃楊種種珍貴之物。工不厭細,料不厭精,終成這座融匯
           offerings were made to Chang’e the Moon Goddess of Immortality,   多種祥瑞寓意之珍品。
           for bountiful harvests. A companion of Chang’e is the Moon rabbit,
           sometimes also known as the Jade rabbit, who constantly pounds   屏上精嵌的玉兔形象及月洞形開光均蘊含中秋意象。中秋為帝王祭月祈
           herbs for the Immortals. In time, the rabbit became synonymous with   賀豐收之時。傳說中,與居於月宮的嫦娥為伴的玉兔長年不停搗製長生
           the moon, as the famous Tang poet Li Bai (701-762) relates: ‘The   藥;古詩中也往往以兔指代月,如李白所之詩句「月兔空搗藥」。
           rabbit on the moon in vain pounds the elixir’.
           The screen also contains several other auspicious symbols beside the   寧、富貴、好德、善終」五福,以如意流雲象形延年靈芝並諧音「福
           moon rabbit. Towering above the rabbit is a gnarled pine tree. The   運」。傳統農業社會中,可以帶來降雨以灌溉莊稼的雲被視為吉兆。
           pine tree, bamboo and plum blossoms were called the ‘Three Friends   此處紋樣中亦可見壽桃。在中國傳統圖像中,壽桃多附會於西王母之
           of Winter’ because they grew and stayed green when nothing else   仙桃;神話中的長壽之神「壽老」也常被描繪為手捧壽桃之形象。
           did in the cold winter. Thus, the pine came to symbolise perseverance
           through difficulty and integrity.                 清宮舊藏一件清乾隆剔紅海月香盤,盤心亦作圓形開光,表示圓月,
           Furthermore, the cloisonné enamel has five bats (wufu), a rebus for   全集:清代漆器》,上海 ,2006,頁28,編號17號,可資參考。另
           the ‘Five Blessings’ of longevity, health, wealth, love of virtue and a   有數例清宮舊藏清中期百寶嵌插屏亦可為比對,見《故宮博物院藏文
           good end to life. There are also ruyi clouds that resemble the shape   物珍品大系:竹木牙角雕刻》,香港,2002年,編號192-195。
           of a lingzhi fungus, said to have life-prolonging properties. The motif
           can be further interpreted as a pun on the word ‘cloud’, yun, which is   本品選料之奢華,工藝之精細,也可對比一對清乾隆青金石嵌百寶蝙
           a homophone for fuyun, ‘good fortune’. In an agricultural society, the   蝠「大吉」葫蘆屏連紫檀座,售於倫敦佳士得,2019年11月5日,
           rain-bearing clouds would have been perceived as a benevolent omen,  拍品編號116。
           for the necessary irrigation of the crops. Peaches can also be seen,
           which are symbols of longevity. Peaches were associated with the
           Queen Mother of the West who grew a peach orchard. Her peaches
           were said to grant Immortality, and the God of Longevity, Shoulao,
           is frequently depicted carrying a peach.

           See a lotus-leaf-shaped dish with a central roundel of a rabbit
           pounding an elixir of Immortality, Qianlong six-character mark and of
           the period, from the Qing Court Collection, illustrated in The Complete
           Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Lacquer Wares of
           the Qing Dynasty, Shenzhen, 2006, p.28, no.17. Other related ivory,
           jade and wood inlaid screens, mid Qing dynasty, in the Qing Court
           Collection, are illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of
           the Palace Museum: Bamboo, Wood, Ivory and Rhinoceros Horn
           Carvings, Hong Kong, 2002, nos.192-195.

           The elaborate and opulent combination of various prized materials in the
           production of the present screen can also be noted on a pair of Imperial
           embellished lapis lazuli ‘Da Ji’ double-gourd plaques, Qianlong, also
           made of gilt-metal, jade, and standing on zitan and ivory stands, which
           was sold at Christie’s London, 5 November 2019, lot 116.

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