Page 156 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 156

             AN ARchAIsTIc JAde dIsc, bI, MINg dyNAsTy
             China, 1368-1644. The circular disc superbly carved in relief with a
             taotie at each of the four cardinal points around the central aperture,
             the backside with a pattern of various C-shaped scrolls and swirls, the   Weight: 48.5 g
             stone of dark brown color with shades of buff.     Dimensions: Diameter 7.7 cm
                                                                Note the extremely fine raised line along the outer edge and central
               Provenance: Gustav Heinrich ralph von            aperture on both sides.
               Koenigswald (1902-1982) was a German-
               Dutch paleontologist and geologist
               who conducted research on hominins,              仿古玉璧,明代
               including Homo erectus. His discoveries          種C形渦捲和漩渦形圖案,深褐色的石料夾雜著淺黃色。
               and studies of hominid fossils in Java and
               his studies of other important fossils of        來源:Gustav Heinrich Ralph von Koenigswald (1902-1982)曾是德國-荷蘭的古生
               Southeastern Asia firmly established his         物學家和地質學家,他對包括直立人在內的人源素進行了研究。 他在爪哇原始人化
               reputation as one of the leading figures of      石的發現和研究以及對東南亞其他重要化石的研究,牢固地確立了他作為20世紀古人
                                                                類學的主要人物之一的地位。 奧地利維也納Zacke藝廊,2007年5月。私人收藏家,
               20th century paleoanthropology. Galerie          購於上述來源,自此保存在同一家族至今。
               Zacke, Vienna, Austria, May 2007. A   Gustav Heinrich ralph von   品相:品相極好,有磨損和風化。到處都有一些微小的裂痕,玉石被自然侵蝕。 精
               private collector, acquired from the above   Koenigswald (1902-1982)  美包漿。
               and thence by descent in the same family.        重量:48.5 克
               condition: Excellent condition with wear and weathering, some   尺寸:直徑 7.7厘米
               microscopic nicks here and there, the jade with areas of natural erosion.
               Fine old patina.                                 estimate euR 800,-
                                                                Starting price EUr 400,-

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