Page 158 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 158

                                                                A sMAll celAdON ANd RusseT JAde ‘RAbbIT’
                                                                PeNdANT, MId-QINg

                                                                China, 18th-19th century. The partly translucent stone of a celadon
                                                                tone with shades of russet. Naturalistically carved in the form of a
                                                                rabbit, the details finely incised, the lapidary skillfully using the russet
                                                                shadings to depict the hare’s patchy fur. Vertical piercing through the
                                                                head and belly.

                                                                 Provenance: Old French private collection.
                                                                 condition: Excellent condition with only minor old wear and some
                                                                 traces of use, mostly around the piercing.

                                                                Weight: 74.9 g
                                                                Dimensions: Height 4.8 cm

                                                                 AucTION ResulT cOMPARIsON
                                                                 Compare with a similar pale celadon and
                                                                 russet jade rabbit sold by Christie’s Paris in
                                                                 Art d’Asie on 12 December 2019, lot 156, for
                                                                 EUR €25,000.

                                                                拍號156,成交價 €25,000。
                                                                estimate euR 800,-
                                                                Starting price EUr 400,-

             A PAle celAdON ANd RusseT JAde hORse,
             lATe MINg PeRIOd

             China, late 16th to mid-17th century. Skillfully worked in the form of a
             recumbent horse turning its head sharply, the left front leg raised, its
             right hooves tucked beneath its body, the left hind hoof completely
             disappearing under his back, tail and mane finely detailed with

               Provenance: From the personal
               collection of Anthony du Boulay. By
               repute acquired at Christie’s, London.
               Anthony du Boulay served at Christie’s
               from 1949 to 1980, for many years as
               the Director of the Ceramics Department
               and for 13 years as the President of
               Christie’s, Geneva. From 1981, he served
               as Honorary Adviser on Ceramics to the
               National Trust, United Kingdom, on council of the Oriental Ceramic
               Society and as the Chairman of the French Porcelain Society.
               condition: Extensive wear from many years of handling, with some
               areas such as the right ear or the left eye particularly worn. As a result,
               the naturally grown patina is strikingly beautiful. Some minor natural
               fissures in the stone.
             Weight: 101.4 g                                    青白玉臥馬雕,晚明
             Dimensions: Length 7 cm                            方,左後蹄完全藏於他的背部之下,尾巴和鬃毛遺失,可見切口。
             The polished stone of pale celadon color is accentuated with russet veins   來源: Anthony du Boulay個人收藏。據説購於倫敦佳士得。Anthony du Boulay
             cleverly used to pick out the horse’s fur. It is notable for the portrait-quality   于1949-1980年間為佳士得工作,曾多年為陶瓷部主任,后又曾任13年日内瓦佳士
             in which it has been sensitively rendered. Its gentle smiling features and   得主席。1981年起他曾任英國陶瓷信托名譽顧問、東方陶瓷協會理事以及法國陶瓷
             full rounded body have been endowed with a certain individuality, primarily   品相:經過多年使用,大面積磨損,尤其是右耳和左眼等部位。自然包漿非常美麗。
             through the jade stone from which it has been fashioned.  石頭中有一些小的自然裂縫。
                                                                重量:101.4 克
             Auction result comparison: Compare with a jade horse of 8 cm length,   尺寸:長7 厘米
             similarly worn, made from mottled brown and yellow jade, from the Ming
             dynasty, at Christies New york in Fine Chinese Ceramics, Jades and Works of   estimate euR 800,-
             Art, 19 September 2007, lot 59, sold for USD $11,875.  Starting price EUr 400,-

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