Page 221 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 221
Provenance: From a German private collection.
condition: Excellent condition with minor wear and firing irregularities.
Weight: 611.5 g
Dimensions: Diameter 20.5 cm
The shape of the bowl relates to an archaic ritual bronze vessel, pan.
The design of twin fish, first seen on Han dynasty mirrors, symbolizes a
successful marriage.
AucTION ResulT
Compare with a closely related
dish sold by Christie’s New york in
Interiors on 19-20 February 2014,
lot 232, for USD $11,250.
A lONgQuAN ‘TWIN FIsh’ bOWl, 來源:德國私人收藏
sOuTheRN sONg dyNAsTy 品相:品相極好,輕微磨損及燒製瑕疵。
重量:611.5 克
尺寸:直徑20.5 厘米
China, 1128-1279. The deep rounded sides rising from a short 拍賣結果比較:一件相似雙魚洗可見2014年2月19日至20日紐約佳士得《家具》拍
tapering foot to a broad flaring rim, finely modeled in high relief to 場,拍號232,成交價USD $11,250。
the interior with a pair of swimming fish, covered overall in a glossy
sea-green celadon glaze thinning at the rim, a circular area on the estimate euR 800,-
recessed base of the foot ring left unglazed. Starting price EUr 400,-
A lONgQuAN celAdON-glAZed ‘lOTus’ bOWl, AucTION ResulT cOMPARIsON
sOuTheRN sONg TO yuAN Compare with a related but slightly smaller
bowl dated to the Southern Song dynasty sold
China, 13th-14th century. Carefully molded with a tapered rim over at Christie’s Hong Kong in Important Chinese
the wide curving well displaying subtly raised lotus petals along the Ceramics and Works of Art on 30 November 2011,
exterior walls, rising from a short foot surrounding the recessed lot 3007, for HKD $200,000.
base, the soft bluish sea-green glaze covering all surfaces except the
cinnamon burnt foot pad.
Provenance: Galerie v. d. Crommert, Amsterdam. Dr. Koos de Jong, 中國,十三至十四世紀。深碗,碗内錐形邊緣模印,外壁暗印蓮花瓣,短圈足内凹,
acquired from the above in 1999 (invoice not available). Dr. de Jong 柔軟的淡藍色海綠色釉料,圈足底露胎。
is a Dutch art historian and has been privately collecting Chinese art 來源:阿姆斯特丹Galerie v. d. Crommert藝廊。Drs. Koos de Jong 1999年購於上
over decades. He has authored hundreds of articles and several books 述藝廊(無發票)。Drs. Koos de Jong是一位荷蘭藝術史學家,幾十年來他一直私人
on Dutch fine and decorative arts spanning from the Middle Ages to 收藏中國藝術品。他撰寫了數百篇文章和幾本書,內容涉及從中世紀到現代的荷蘭美
the modern era. In 2013, he published an extensive study of Chinese 術和裝飾藝術。2013年,他在《Dragon & Horse:Saddle Rugs and Other Horse
riding gear in “Dragon & Horse, Saddle Rugs and Other Horse Tack from Tack from China and Beyond》中發表了有關中國騎馬裝備的詳盡研究。1976年
China and Beyond”. Between 1976 and 2009 he worked for numerous 主任。
museums across the Netherlands and was the director of the European 品相:品相良好,輕微磨損與燒製瑕疵,邊沿上輕微髮絲綫裂縫,釉面開片,碗沿一
Ceramic Work Center in Den Bosch. 道小修補(約 2 厘米).
condition: Good condition with minor wear and firing flaws, few tiny 重量:476.5 克
hairlines to rim, intentional glaze-crackling. One small repair of a chip to 尺寸:直徑17.5 厘米
lip (circa 2 cm). 士得《重要中國陶瓷與工藝品》拍號3007,成交價HKD $200,000。
Weight: 476.5 g estimate euR 800,-
Dimensions: Diameter 17.5 cm Starting price EUr 400-
Bowls of this type were made during the Song and yuan dynasties, and
six are illustrated by r. Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyingtang
Collection vol. 1, London, 1994, pp. 290-1, nos. 539-44. The present bowl
appears to be most similar to nos. 539 and 540, which the author dates
Southern Song dynasty, in its rounded shape and the broad, rather than
narrow carved lotus petals. No. 539 is larger (20.8 cm. diam.) and no. 540 is
smaller (13 cm. diam.) than the present bowl. The author describes these
two bowls and others of Southern Song date as being more “carefully
potted, carved, glazed and fired”, than bowls of this type of later, yuan date,
such as nos. 543 and 544.
Literature comparison: r. Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyingtang
Collection vol. 1, London, 1994, pp. 290-1, nos. 539-44. Chinese Ceramics
Song-yuan, Taipei 1997, p. 403. Song Ceramics from the Kwan Collection,
Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong 1994, no. 61, p. 159. rose Kerr, Song
Ceramics, Victoria and Albert Museum, London 2004, no. 58, p. 61.