Page 223 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 223

          A cIZhOu sgRAFFIATO blAcK-glAZed
          glObulAR VAse, JIN OR XI XIA
          China, 12th-13th century. The globular vase with a short flaring neck
          and everted lip, covered in a lustrous black glaze stopping before the
          foot to reveal the buff ware. The body is decorated with a broad band
          of scrolling leaves neatly executed in sgraffiato technique.

           Provenance: Ming House, Hong Kong. Dr. Koos de Jong, acquired   Literature comparison: r. Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang
           from the above in 1999 (invoice not available). Dr. de Jong is a Dutch art   Collection, Vols. I, London 1994, no. 453, p. 250. r. Mowry, Hare’s Fur,
           historian and has been privately collecting Chinese art over decades.   Tortoiseshell, and Partridge Feathers. Chinese brown- and black-glaze
           He has authored hundreds of articles             ceramics, 400-1400, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge (MA)
           and several books on Dutch fine and              1996, no. 67, p. 189.
           decorative arts spanning from the Middle
           Ages to the modern era. In 2013, he               AucTION ResulT cOMPARIsON
           published an extensive study of Chinese           Compare with a related but
           riding gear in “Dragon & Horse, Saddle            significantly larger vase sold by
           rugs and Other Horse Tack from China              Sotheby’s New york in Fine Chinese
           and Beyond”. Between 1976 and 2009 he             Ceramics and Works of Art on 18
           worked for numerous museums across   Dr. Koos de Jong and   March 2008, lot 77, for USD $31,000.
           the Netherlands and was the director of   ingeborg de roode (photo
                                       courtesy of Stedelijk
           the European Ceramic Work Center in   Museum Amsterdam)
           Den Bosch.                                       磁州窯黑釉剔花紋罐,金或西夏
           condition: Excellent condition with minor wear and firing irregularities.   中國,十二至十三世紀。鼓腹,短頸,小口外翻,黑釉剔花。
                                                            來源:香港Ming House收藏;Drs. Koos de Jong收藏,1999年購於上述收藏(發
          Weight: 595.3 g                                   票已遺失)。Drs. de Jong是一位荷蘭藝術史學家, 幾十年來他一直私人收藏中國藝
          Dimensions: Height 13.2 cm                        術品。他撰寫了數百篇文章和幾本書,內容涉及從中世紀到現代的荷蘭美術和裝飾藝
                                                            術。 2013年,他在《Dragon & Horse:Saddle Rugs and Other Horse Tack from
          The very difficult technique used to produce the finely balanced design on   China and Beyond》中發表了有關中國騎馬裝備的詳盡研究。1976年至2009年
          this vase was developed at the Cizhou kilns in the Northern Song dynasty.   間,他曾在荷蘭的許多博物館工作,並曾擔任登博世歐洲陶瓷工作中心的主任。
          It involved the application of a pale slip to the unfired stoneware vessel,   重量:595.3 克
          followed by a dark slip. The outline of the decoration was then incised   尺寸:高13.2 厘米
          through the dark top layer and the background area of the design was   拍賣結果比較:一個相似但要大很多的罐子于2008年3月18日紐約蘇富比《中國陶瓷
          cut away to reveal the pale slip beneath. Details, such as stamens and   與工藝品》拍號77,成交價USD $31,000。
          leaf veins, were also incised through the dark upper layer either with a
          fine-point or a comb-like instrument. The thin colorless glaze could then be   estimate euR 3.000,-
          applied and the vessel fired.                     Starting price EUr 1.500,-

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