Page 359 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 359
Kushan period, 4th - 5th century. The elegantly modeled head wearing
a floral hairband below the domed ushnisha, the hair falling down in
curls, the face with a serene expression, eyes downcast in meditation,
the fine aquiline nose above a bow-shaped mouth, the cheekbones
and chin powerfully sculpted.
Provenance: Arthur Huc (1854-1932). Marcel Huc, inherited from the
above. Thence by descent within the same family. In 1954, L. Magniette,
bailiff of the court in Toulouse (Huissier), was ordered to compile a
complete inventory of the collection inherited by Marcel Huc from his
father, Arthur Huc, the so-called “Inventaire Huc”. The present lot is
listed in this inventory as follows: “Serie de vingt deux têtes en terre-
cuite. GANDHARA” (series of twenty-two terracotta heads. GANDHARA).
A copy of the inventory list and cover page are accompanying this lot.
condition: Fine condition with minor firing flaws, old wear and some
losses as visible on the images at Old
varnish coating, minor wax fillings and fine patina.
scientific Report: A thermoluminescence analysis
report issued by Oxford Authentication on October
18th, 2016, based on sample number N116n10, sets
the firing date of the sample taken at 1,500 – 2,400
years ago. A copy of the report, issued by Oxford
Authentication, is accompanying this lot (the original
report was lost).
Weight: 5.6 kg (including base)
Dimensions: Height 22 cm (the head) and 29 cm (the head with base)
On a modern base. (2)
estimate euR 1.000,-
Starting price EUr 500,-
426 Afghanistan and Pakistan. Gandhara is noted for its distinctive style in
A TeRRAcOTTA heAd OF MAITReyA, gANdhARA Buddhist art, which developed out of a merger of Greek, Syrian, Persian
and Indian artistic influence. Gandharan style flourished and achieved its
Ancient region of Gandhara, 4th-5th century. The head modeled with peak during the Kushan period, from the 1st to the 5th century. In the first
finely curled hair and wearing an elaborate beaded tiara centered by a century AD, Gandhara was the birthplace of some of the earliest Buddhist
flower, the face with elegant features, such as the finely incised arched images.
eyebrows, aquiline nose, gentle smile, and long earlobes with circular
floral earrings. The use of hard-fired ceramic instead of stone such as schist was popular
during the later Gandharan period from the 4th to 6th centuries AD. Fired
clay was expensive in the area, because the wood needed for the firing
Provenance: Arthur Huc (1854-1932). Marcel Huc, inherited from the
above. Thence by descent within the same family. In 1954, L. Magniette, process was scarce. Therefore, such an expensive sculpture would have
bailiff of the court in Toulouse (Huissier), was ordered to compile a been a highly meritorious Buddhist offering. Only very few terracotta
complete inventory of the collection inherited by Marcel Huc from his statues from this period and size have ever been recorded.
father, Arthur Huc, the so-called “Inventaire Huc”. The present lot is
listed in this inventory as follows: “Serie de vingt deux têtes en terre- Mounted on an associated base. (2)
cuite. GANDHARA” (series of twenty-two terracotta heads. GANDHARA).
A copy of the inventory list and cover page are accompanying this lot. estimate euR 1.000,-
condition: Excellent, almost unique condition, fully consistent with the Starting price EUr 500,-
age of the sculpture, some firing flaws and insignificant material loss
to some exposed areas, hardly noticeable due to a
light-colored varnish coating which was applied long
time ago.
scientific Analysis Report: A Thermoluminescence
sample analysis has been conducted by Oxford Au-
thentication, TL test no. N116n14, dated 18 October
2016, and is consistent with the suggested period of
manufacture, a copy of the thermoluminescence analy-
sis report accompanies this lot (the original is lost).
Weight: 5.4 kg in total
Dimensions: Height 29 cm (the head) and 44.5 cm (incl. base)
According to Buddhist tradition, Maitreya is a bodhisattva who will appear
on Earth in the future, achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure
dharma. According to scriptures, Maitreya will be a successor to the present
Buddha. The prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya refers to a time in the
future when the dharma will have been forgotten by most on the terrestrial
world. In the Greco-Buddhist art of Gandhara, in the first centuries CE in
northern India, Maitreya was the most popular figure to be represented
along with Gautama Buddha.
The kingdom of Gandhara lasted from 530 BC to 1021 AD, when its last king
was murdered by his own troops. It stretched across parts of present-day