Page 366 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 366
A KhMeR gIlT bRONZe FIguRe OF buddhA
Khmer Empire, later 12th century to earlier 13th century. Cast with Weight: 833.3 g
Buddha seated on the coiled naga on a flat hollow base, the seven- Dimensions: Height 19.4 cm
headed cobra rising to form a mandorla, the face with a serene
expression, almond eyes and a benevolent smile. Note the finely Mucalinda, also Muchalinda or Mucilinda, is the name of a naga sheltering
incised details, especially on the snake’s back! the Buddha from the elements after his enlightenment. When a storm
raged and torrential rain fell for a whole week, the king of the nagas,
Provenance: From the collection of Muchalinda, rose from the earth, coiling its body to form a seat and swelled
Josette and Théo Schulmann, Paris, its great hood to shelter Buddha. When the great storm had cleared, the
France, acquired between 1960 and serpent king assumed his human form, bowed before the Buddha, and
1970. returned to his palace. Seven-headed nagas are often depicted as guardian
condition: Good condition with statues, carved as balustrades on causeways leading to main Cambodian
extensive wear, casting flaws and temples, such as those found in Angkor Wat.
a fine patina with some verdigris,
unsealed, minimal nibbling to edges. Josette and théo Schulmann estimate euR 2.000,-
Starting price EUr 1.000,-