Page 70 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 70

             A gIlT cOPPeR-AllOy FIguRe OF JAMbhAlA,
             16Th-17Th ceNTuRy
                                                                Weight: 1,063.2 g
             Tibetan-Chinese, late Ming dynasty. The richly gilded figure finely   Dimensions: Height 18 cm
             cast seated in lalitasana on a double-lotus base, adorned in a long
             flowing dhoti open at the chest, revealing sumptuous jewelry, the   Note the elaborately case heavenly bands, the neatly incised earrings and
             stern expression framed under an elaborate five-leaf crown, holding a   the superb openwork mandorla with its dense, curling flames in high relief.
             mongoose in the left hand.                         The sealing plate bears a vishvajra symbol.

               Provenance: From the collection of               鎏金合金銅藏巴拉坐蓮像,十六世紀至十七世紀
               Georg Weifert (1850-1937). Thence by             漢藏,明末。造像鎏金厚重,藏巴拉以自在坐坐於雙蓮花座上,身披多提紗,敞胸,
               descent in the same family. Weifert was          露出奢華的瓔珞珠寶,精緻的五葉冠下嚴厲的表情,左手舉著貓鼬 。
               a Serbo-Austrian industrialist and the           來源:Georg Weifert (1850-1937)收藏,同一家族保存至今 。Weifert曾爲塞爾維
               first governor of the Federal Bank of the        亞中央銀行大班以及塞爾維亞、克羅地亞與斯洛文尼亞聯邦銀行大班。
               Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia.         品相:品相良好,老磨損和使用痕跡,密封板翹曲,表面有一些划痕和較小的凹痕,
               condition: Fine condition with old               底部和一條飄帶略微彎曲。
               wear and traces of use, the sealing plate        重量:1,063.2 克
                                                                尺寸: 高18 厘米
               warped, some surface scratches and
               smaller dents, the base and one heavenly
               band are slightly bent in some areas.   Georg Weifert (1850-1937)  estimate euR 2.000,-
                                                                Starting price EUr 1.000,-

   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75