Page 134 - Made For Trade Chinese Export Paintings In Dutch Collections
P. 134

           roos boek 129-192 e COR:Opmaak 1

                                                              the Tropenmuseum and the Rijksmuseum have
                    Canton ou de scènes d’intérieur: ce sont de  18:12  Pagina 5                         Fig. 4.35. Quay of
                    tableaux d’un nouveau genre que les Européens  such early paintings in an elongated format in  Canton, anonymous,
                    achèteut en grand nombres. [...] Il n’est pas  their possession. 66  (Figures 4.35. and 4.36.) As  watercolour on silk,
                    d’Anglais qui, à son retour en Europe, ne  the research of, among others, Kee Il Choi Jr.  c. 1775, 100.8 × 303 cm,
                    rapporte une vue de Canton. 64            indicates, from 1760 – the year that the activity  Tropenmuseum/
                                                              radius of Western traders was limited specifically  Nationaal Museum van
                    In terms of concrete examples that formed the  to Canton – the quay, with its flags and Western  Wereldculturen,
                    basis of images of South Chinese harbours, often  factory buildings, was increasingly the symbol of TM-A-7525.
                    by anonymous Chinese painters and made on  the historical China trade and the wharf itself
                    commission, we know that engravings and prints  increasingly appeared on diverse expressions of
                    were found in Cantonese studios. Examples  export art in various media, among them large
                    include copper engravings made from sketches  porcelain bowls from the early 1760s. 67  (Figure
                    done by artists aboard Western East Indiamen  4.37.)
                    (ships of the European trading companies), such  In general, there are a number of indications
                    as those by the Swedish captain and       that date the depictions of these kinds of  Fig. 4.36. View of the
                    draughtsman Carl Gustav Ekeberg (1716-1784),  harbour views: the flags of the ships at  Pearl River and the
                    who made twelve journeys to China between  Whampoa, on the churches in Macao and in  city of Canton,
                    1742 and 1777 and in 1773 published his   front of the factories in Canton; the architectural  anonymous,
                    Ostindiska Resa with images of Chinese port  elements of depicted buildings; the fences on the  watercolour on silk,
                    cities. 65  (Figures 4.34.a to 4.34.c.)   quay and the accretion of land; the        1771, 95 x 368 cm,
                      In the 1760s, images of the quay at Canton  establishment of the Protestant church on the  Rijksmuseum
                    were part of the elongated scroll paintings  quay at Canton in 1847; the rendition of the  Amsterdam,
                    depicting the landscape of the Pearl River. Both  skies; the types of ship and the number of NG-1052.

                    64 Lavollée 1853, 362. Translation: In the most illuminated part of the Lamqua studio, several young Chinese were
                    painting, in oil on canvas, views of Macao and Canton or interior scenes: they are paintings of a new genre that
                    Europeans are buying in large numbers. There is not an Englishman who, on his return to Europe, does not take back
                    a view of Canton.
                    65 Osbeck 1771. Choi Jr. 2003. Carl Gustav Ekeberg, 1773, engravings by Olof Jacobsson Årre (1731-1809).
                    66 Van Campen & Hartkamp 2001, 69-71. Rijksmuseum NG-1052; Tropenmuseum A-7525.
                    67 Choi Jr. 1998-a, 429, and 2003, 67.
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