Page 129 - Made For Trade Chinese Export Paintings In Dutch Collections
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                     128       64 pag:Opmaak 1  18-10-2016  15:54  Pagina 64

                     Fig. 4.24.a. and 4.24.b.
                     Two images of a leopard
                     and a horse (from
                     album with 14 images
                     of animals and mythical
                     creatures in cartouches),  Finally, it is valid to mention three mid-  watercolours; at least, this is the case for the
                     anonymous,        nineteenth-century single albums owned by the  Dutch collections. The other two, transferred in
                     watercolour on paper,  Maritime Museum Rotterdam. ‘Valid’ because  2013 from the Wereldmuseum Rotterdam, are,
                     1773-1776,        of their use value as both commodities and  admittedly, of a lesser artistic quality, but are still
                     29.9. x 29 cm (painting),  artworks: One album features particularly high  valuable because of their depiction of daily life.
                     34 x 32 cm (album),  quality painterly renditions of the scenes  One album, entitled Dschunken, Kostüme,
                     Museum Volkenkunde/  depicted and also has noteworthy maritime  Strafvollstrekungen und einige andere Szenen
                     Nationaal Museum van  (geographical) subject matter. The other two  a.d. Leben Chinas, has 72 images of street
                     Wereldculturen,   albums are remarkable because of their     professions and peddlers, processions, rituals,
            RV-360-376.  voluminous size. All three albums likely allowed  boats, punishments/tortures, etc. (Figure 4.27.)
                                       their first owners to ‘sail’ back to China in their  The second (loose-leaf) album shows 36 sorts of
                                       memories. The first mentioned is a well-   local vessels, suggesting that they all once sailed
                                       conserved album with twelve colourful      in the watery environment of Canton.
                                       depictions of: the quay at Canton; Whampoa   Having outlined the images of the most
                                       reach; Bocca Tigris; Macao’s Praya Grande;  important sets and albums in the Dutch
                                       Hong Kong; Honam; Golden Island (Nanjing);  collections above, the next section deals with the
                                       a city view of Old Shanghai; two river scenes  variety of genres with different Chinese subject
                                       near to Ningbo; and views of Chusan and Amoy  matters found in the Netherlands.
                                       (Xiamen). (Figure 4.26.) It is unusual to find
                                       images of Chinese harbour cities in an album of  Genres
                                                                                  It is possible to classify the paintings with
                     Fig. 4.25. Unused                                            Chinese subject matter into certain groups by
                     section from the                                             dividing them by genre. Images that belong to
                     Chinese bird-and-                                            the same genre, states Rose, “share certain
                     flower wallpaper hung                                        features. A particular genre will share a specific
                     in the Lower India                                           set of meaningful objects and locations.” 54  The
                     Room at Penrhyn                                              Dutch corpus can be regarded as a large dataset
                     Castle, near Bangor,                                         of painted media with a limited variety of genres
                     in the early 1830s.                                          with Chinese subject matters. I have devised ten
                     The unused sections                                          genres to categorise the paintings. When making
                     have been kept in store                                      up categories for a future digital database, to
                     at Penrhyn ever since                                        code the paintings, Rose warns that these
                     and retain their                                             categories “must have a number of
                     original, almost                                             characteristics regardless of their putative status
                     shockingly bright                                            as descriptive or interpretive.” 55  The genres I
                     colours. ©National                                           have devised originate from content analysis and
                     Trust/Andrew Bush.                                           technical and compositional examination of the
                                       54 Rose 2007, 15.
                                       55 Ibid., 65.
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