Page 20 - Chiense jades Hong Kong Sothebys April 2017
P. 20


A WHITE JADE FIGURE OF A                            明 白玉瑞獸
MING DYNASTY                                        來源:
finely worked in the round, its slender and         香港蘇富比2008年10月8日,編號2321
muscular body depicted resting on its haunches
accentuated with sharp talons and picked out        展覽:
with archaistic motifs, the facial features well    馮陳善奇及楊春堂編,《玲瓏玉雕-玉人、
defined with bulging eyes and flaring nostrils      玉獸、玉飾》,香港大學美術博物館,香港,
above a curled beard and below small pointed        1996年,編號111
ears and two horns at the forehead, with a          《中國肖生玉雕》,香港藝術館,香港,
knobbly spine sweeping back to a long bushy tail    1996年,編號142
curling up to its chest, the stone of a pure white
colour throughout with a small russet inclusion on  瑞獸白玉質,作半蹲狀。昂首挺胸,頭有雙
the beast’s backside                                角,雙目圓睜,嘴微張露齒,長鬚及胸。背上
4.4 cm, 1¾ in.                                      凸脊,尾盤於腹下至胸前,四肢綴仿古紋。


The Zhirouzhai Collection.
Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8th October 2008, lot


Sydney S.K. Fung and Yeung Chun-tong,
eds., Exquisite Jade Carving: Figures, Animals,
Ornaments, University Museum and Art Gallery,
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1996, cat.
no. 111.
Chinese Jade Animals, Hong Kong Museum of
Art, Hong Kong, 1996, cat. no. 142.

HK$ 500,000-700,000
US$ 64,500-90,500

The present piece is a superb example of the
carver taking advantage of the pebble shape
to create a crouching mythical creature. Half
seated with its rear legs poised for action and
head raised to attention, the highly-polished
surface and smoothly rounded forms provide
an impeccable base upon which the details
are carved. Although the rigid knobbed spine,
prominent archaistic patterns and pebble-form
are typical of the Ming period, the extent of
decoration, depth of carving and finely modelled
facial features and paws demonstrate the
carver’s expertise in the medium.

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