Page 23 - Chiense jades Hong Kong Sothebys April 2017
P. 23


A WHITE AND RUSSET JADE FIGURE OF A                                宋 白玉巧作臥雞
SONG DYNASTY                                                       展覽:
sensitively worked with a short sharp beak between a low           港,2002年
comb and large wattle, the sides of the plump body detailed
with a large pair of wings, the figure pierced through vertically  母雞白玉帶皮,雙腳臥於腹下。身形圓潤,圓坑小眼,尖
for suspension, the stone of a pale celadon-white colour           嘴,以皮色巧作雞冠,陰線勾勒輪廓。
with russet skin skilfully worked to highlight the comb and
underside                                                          臥雞簡單的線條巧妙而嚴謹,可見工匠工藝之嫻熟,意趣
5.8 cm, 2¼ in.                                                     盎然,及盡把玩之趣。


Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth: Gems of Antiquities
Collections in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong
Kong, 2002.

HK$ 200,000-300,000
US$ 25,800-38,700
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