Page 54 - Chiense jades Hong Kong Sothebys April 2017
P. 54


A WHITE AND RUSSET JADE ‘BOY AND                                 宋 白玉褐斑連生貴子
SONG DYNASTY                                                     來源:
skilfully rendered to depict a boy reclining on his left side
with the right leg propped over the left, the cherubic figure    白玉質,局部沁斑。立體圓雕童子。童子側身半臥,手持
rendered with well-defined facial features and adorned in        荷花,荷葉翻捲,荷花半開。頭髮稀疏,左右兩開,八字
clothing skilfully detailed with incised patterns, portrayed     眉,眼、鼻、嘴凸起。身穿馬甲,上飾斜方格錦紋。
holding a long lotus pad with the left hand and a long lotus
stalk bearing a large bloom with the right, the stone of a pale  此器雕琢簡練,線條俐落,神態俏皮可愛。
celadon-white colour mottled with russet inclusions
5.9 cm, 2¼ in.                                                   宋朝玉雕多見持荷童子,有說此乃源於佛教故事「鹿母蓮
PROVENANCE                                                       「七夕前三五日,車馬盈市,羅綺滿街,旋折未開荷花,
Christie’s Hong Kong, 28th May 2014, lot 3245.                   都人善假做雙頭蓮,取元一時,提攜而歸,路人往往嗟
HK$ 250,000-300,000                                              時的社會生活。
US$ 32,300-38,700
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