Page 73 - Chiense jades Hong Kong Sothebys April 2017
P. 73

Skilfully modelled in the round to depict a playful  青白玉質,立體圓雕臥獸。雙目炯炯,張嘴露
bixie, portrayed through its animated face           齒,頭頂有雙角。前肢有鱗、雙翼,翼自前肢
and charming paws, this carving successfully         上部而後,緊貼於身。
captures a sense of life. The curling eyebrows
and the gentle crouching position of this            此器造型壯碩渾厚,刀工犀利,工匠運刀如
creature evoke a child-like spirit, poised ready     筆,線條流暢,為六朝少見之珍品。北京故宮
for play. These figural sculptures were created      博物院藏類似魏晉辟邪,見《故宮博物院藏
as independent objects for the sumptuous             文物珍品大系.玉器(上)》,上海,2008
display and enjoyment of its owner, as well as       年,圖版165。
to provide a constant and concrete realisation
of the powerful supernatural forces latent in        圓雕辟邪,雕刻嫻熟,造型活潑,臉部表情
the world. Compare a carving of this type and        生動,爪子充滿動力,栩栩如生。卷曲的眉
attributed to the Six Dynasties, in the Palace       毛,蹲伏的姿態,如孩童般蓄勢待發,準備玩
Museum, Beijing, illustrated in Zhongguo yuqi        耍。如此肖生玉雕,或為摩挲把玩,或為置案
quanji, vol. 4, Shijiazhuang, 1993, pl. 306; and     清賞,涵天地之氣、蘊萬物之道。可作比較一
another, but with wings, from the collection of      例,為清宮舊藏,同為六朝作,見《中國玉器
Arthur Sackler, included in the Oriental Ceramic     全集》,卷4,石家莊,1993年,圖版306。
Society exhibition Chinese Jade Throughout the       另一例為賽克勒藏,有翼,曾展於東方陶瓷學
Ages, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1975,      會,《Chinese Jade Throughout the Ages》
cat. no. 182.                                        ,維多利亞與艾伯特博物館,倫敦,1975
Carvings of this type continued to be produced
in the later periods; for example see a yellow jade  六朝玉雕風格延續至後朝,見一宋黃玉例,為
example attributed to the Song to Ming dynasty,      北山堂藏,曾展於《中國玉雕》,香港藝術
from the Bei Shan Tang Collection, included          館,香港,1983年,編號147。Philip Pinsof
in the exhibition Chinese Jade Carving, Hong         伉儷藏一明朝例,曾展於東方陶瓷學會,
Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1983, cat. no.        《Chinese Jade Throughout the Ages》,前
147; and a Ming example, from the collection of      述出處,編號376。
Mr and Mrs Philip Pinsof, also included in the
Oriental Ceramic Society exhibition Chinese Jade     六朝陵墓裝飾中瑞獸是不可或缺的重要元素,
Throughout the Ages, op. cit., cat. no. 376.         帝皇權貴,制度各異。南京孝陵設置了壯觀的
The popularity of the representation of mythical
creatures in stone to line the tomb avenues of
emperors and high-ranking officials reached a
peak during the Six Dynasties. Concurrent with
the creation of immense fabulous beasts from
the spiritual world were produced on a grand
scale outside the tombs near Nanjing, an artistic
tradition of creating jade animals in the highest
quality flourished.

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