Page 70 - Chiense jades Hong Kong Sothebys April 2017
P. 70


A CELADON JADE FIGURE OF A                         六朝 青白玉圓雕辟邪
SIX DYNASTIES                                      來源:
depicted crouching with outstretched front paws,
the mythical beast portrayed with a broad and      展覽:
slightly agape mouth revealing its fangs and       《Jade in Chinese Culture》,棕櫚泉沙漠博
teeth below a pair of long slender horns, further  物館,棕櫚泉,1990年,編號27
rendered with a pair of wings extending from the   葉義,《中國玉雕》,香港藝術館,香港,
shoulders and along the body, the well-defined     1983年,編號126
muscular haunches detailed with a curling tail     《中國肖生玉雕》,香港藝術館,香港,
with rope-twist grooves, the stone of a pale       1996年,編號58
greyish-celadon colour highlighted with celadon
and black patches and streaks                      出版:
6.2 cm, 2½ in.                                     姜濤及劉雲輝,《熙墀藏玉》,北京,2006

The Hei-Chi Collection.


Jade in Chinese Culture, Palm Springs Desert
Museum, Palm Springs, CA, 1990, cat. no. 27.
Ip Yee, Chinese Jade Carving, Hong Kong
Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1983, cat. no. 126.
Chinese Jade Animals, Hong Kong Museum of
Art, Hong Kong, 1996, cat. no. 58.


Jiang Tao and Liu Yunhui, Jades from the Hei-Chi
Collection, Beijing, 2006, p. 132 top.

HK$ 1,800,000-2,800,000
US$ 233,000-361,000

68 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75