Page 66 - Chiense jades Hong Kong Sothebys April 2017
P. 66

Carved in the round from celadon jade with         青白玉帶皮,立體圓雕。熊體態肥碩,圓眼炯
patches of russet skin, this amply-proportioned    炯,雙耳後抿,雙唇緊閉,頸粗背後,鬆垂肥
bear has large eyes, ears pulled back, a thick     腹近與地面,似臥、似立、似悠閒慢步,一副
neck, and a hanging abdomen that almost            慵懶笨拙憨態,讓人愛不釋手。
touches the ground. Whether recumbent,
standing, or strolling, it has a lovely pose of    玉熊躬身蹲立,探頸往前,頭略傾右側,通體
leisure and ease.                                  光素,僅以少量的細密短陰線刻表現鬃毛。
The jade bear is depicted bending its body and     陵廟遺址出土的白玉熊相近,見劉雲輝,《陝
stretching its neck, tilting its head slightly to  西出土漢代玉器》,北京、台北,2009年,
the right. Its surface polished throughout, with   頁272。但體型略小(渭陵玉熊長8、高4.8公
a small number of short, finely incised lines      分);玉質為青玉帶黑點,大面積褐沁;五官
depicting hair. Its realism is comparable to that  的處理方式亦不同,例如吻部較渭陵玉熊大,
of a white jade bear excavated from the ruins of   眼睛、爪足的雕刻方式略有差異。
the temple of the Weiling Mausoleum of Emperor
Yuan of the Han Dynasty in Xianyang, Shaanxi.
See Liu Yunhui, Shaanxi chutu Handai yuqi [Han
dynasty jades excavated in Shaanxi], Beijing
and Taipei, 2009, p. 272. The present work is
slightly smaller than the Weiling example, which
measures 8 cm in length and 4.8 cm in height.
The latter is carved from green jade with black
spots and large areas of brown patina. The
present jade bear has a larger mouth than the
Weiling example, as well as differently rendered
eyes and paws.

64 SOTHEBY’S 蘇富比
   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71