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Two views

145                                                                      A comparable ewer of similar shape and design is illustrated in
                                                                         Homage to Heaven, Homage to Earth - Chinese Treasures of the
A very rare straw-glazed ‘monster-mask’ ewer                             Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, 1992, p.58, fig.25; and another in
                                                                         Mayuyama, Seventy Years, vol. I, Tokyo, 1976, p.81, no.212. Compare
Sui/Tang Dynasty                                                         another similarly-shaped ewer, also applied with a human head, sold at
                                                                         Christie’s New York, 19 September 2006, lot 200.
The pear-shaped body raised on a spreading foot, applied with a
large monster mask surrounded by acanthus leaves on one side             鴨嘴狀流、細頸、鼓腹、喇叭形高足,肩部至腹部安弧形把,上有一
below the tapered spout, with a stylised leaf at the base of the         胡人頭像。在流下至腰間貼塑一獅首,帶外來文化風格。
curved handle which is applied on the top with a human head
overlooking the shaped mouth rim, covered overall in a slightly brown    由於其流形裝似鳳首,故又稱鳳首壺。此類把壺是薩珊、粟特銀器中
clear glaze.                                                             流行的一種器皿,傳入中國以後這種富裝飾性的器形成為邢窯、定窯
21cm high                                                                的模仿對象。在內蒙古赤峰敖漢旗李家菅子出土的粟特銀帶把壺,把
HK$600,000 - 800,000                                                     與邢窯白瓷研究》,北京,2013年,頁378,圖版 13。
US$77,000 - 100,000
                                                                         其他類似設計的例子,可參考《Homage to Heaven, Homage to Earth –
隋/唐 白釉塑貼獅紋鳳首壺                                                            Chinese Treasures of the Royal Ontario Museum》,多倫多,1992年,
                                                                         頁58,圖版25。另一件例子可參《Mayuyama, Seventy Years》,第1
The form and decoration on this ewer is influenced by imported           冊,東京,1976年,頁81,圖版212。及紐約佳士得,2006年9月19
metalwork and leather bottles from further West, brought into China      日,拍品編號200。
through the Silk Road. The shape is derived from Sogdian metal
wares, while the fleur-de-lys-like leaf decoration at the base of the
handle and elements of the monster mask appears to be Hellenistic
in origin. The creative combination of these various decorative
elements that the Chinese potters utilised during this period, reflects
the cosmopolitan and international culture of the time. See a silver
prototype of the ewer also decorated with a similar Sogdian human
head, excavated from Lijiaying, Aohan Banner of Inner Mongolia,
illustrated in The Research on Celadon of Yue Kiln and White-Glazed
Porcelain of Xing Kiln, Ancient Chinese Ceramic Society, Beijing, 2013,
p.379, pl.13.

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