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146                                                                       A small brown-glazed amphora of similar form (14.5 cm high), is
                                                                          in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, illustrated by Wu Tung, Earth
An unusual straw-glazed miniature double                                  Transformed, Chinese Ceramics in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston,
amphora vase                                                              Boston, 2001, p.30. A full sized straw-glazed double amphora, also
Sui Dynasty                                                               with round nodes on the dragon handles, in the Tianjin Province Art
                                                                          Museum, Tianjin, is illustrated in Zhongguo mei shu fen lei quan ji: The
Formed as two conjoined ovoid bodies rising to a tall neck and flared     Complete Works of Chinese Ceramics Vol.5, Shanghai, 2000, no.3.
mouth rim, covered in a pale ivory glaze terminating in a line revealing  Miniature vessels such as these, together with miniature pottery figures
the buff-coloured body, with a pair of dark-brown-glazed strap            and architecture, were made as mingqi to be interred in tombs.
handles terminating in stylised dragon heads.
7cm high                                                                  瓶侈口,長頸,平肩,平底。瓶身呈雙聯形,通體施白釉,瓶底部露

HK$60,000 - 80,000                                                        胎,釉面有細開片,瓶肩上有一對龍柄連於瓶口沿,龍柄以褐彩裝
US$7,700 - 10,000
隋 白釉褐彩雙龍柄雙聯小瓶
The amphora shape, consisting of an oval body and narrow cylindrical
neck, derived from Roman glass and metalwork that reached China           較小,應屬於冥器。隋代出土器物中,有一件於西安郊區隋大業四年
along the Silk Road during the earlier Tang Dynasty. Utilizing such
shapes and forms that came from the West, Chinese potters modified        (公元608年)李靜訓墓出土的白釉龍柄雙連瓶,除器形較大以外,
them with more indigenous decorative elements, such as the highly         形制於此小瓶類似。天津市藝術博物館藏一件隋代鞏縣窯白釉龍柄
arched dragon-head handles present on the current lot.
                                                                          尺寸較此瓶少打,約14.5厘米高,見Wu Tung,《Earth Transformed,
                                                                          Chinese Ceramics in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston》,波士

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