Page 114 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 114

150                                                                     盤直口微外撇,盤心坦平,光素無裝飾,下承以空心喇叭狀高足。內
A pair of small white-glazed stem dishes                                外施白釉,積釉處閃青色。高足盤是南北方瓷窯普遍燒造的器物,特
Tang Dynasty                                                            點鮮明。此高足盤成對而出,造型簡潔,規整,實為難得。
Each with a shallow flat dish raised on a tall spreading foot, covered
overall with a thin translucent white glaze, pooling around the
recesses to a slightly pale green tone, the unglazed bases revealing
the white body.
10cm diam. (2).

HK$25,000 - 30,000
US$3,200 - 3,900

唐 白釉高足盤一對

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