Page 119 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 119

155                                                                  小罐斂口,圓鼓身,鼓弧器蓋,上作寶珠鈕,整器造型渾圓,通體內
A rare small white-glazed water pot and cover                        外均施白釉,釉面有冰裂紋。
Southern Song Dynasty
Of compressed globular form, covered inside and out with a
translucent greenish-white glaze, the cover similarly glazed with a
bud finial, the unglazed base exposing the white ware.
5.5cm wide (2).

HK$60,000 - 90,000
US$7,700 - 12,000

南宋 白釉小蓋罐

                                                                     the feng wen tang collection of early chinese Ceramics | 117
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