Page 120 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 120

156                                                                 Compare with an earlier Northern Song Dynasty Qingbai faceted ewer
A well-matched pair of small white-glazed                           and cover, potted similarly with eight sides, illustrated in Qingbai Ware:
facetted oviform jars and covers                                    Chinese Porcelain of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Percival David
Southern Song Dynasty                                               Foundation of Chinese Art, 2002, pp.114-115, no.58. A ‘Yingqing’
Each jar of octagonal section with a tall conforming neck and four  faceted ewer with a similar glaze was sold at Sotheby’s New York, 22
loop handles applied to the high shoulder, covered overall in a     September 2004, lot 198.
translucent crackled pale grey-green glaze, the similarly-glazed
domed covers surmounted with small branch handles.                  蓋罐成對而出。器蓋中心高高隆起出楞八條,頂部作瓜莖紐,器蓋邊
11cm high (4).                                                      緣上翹。罐直徑,鼓弧腹,下漸收,頸部、腹部均作瓜棱八條,肩部
HK$200,000 - 300,000
US$26,000 - 39,000                                                  類似的八菱形器,可參考一件北宋八菱帶蓋執壺,見大衛德基金
                                                                    會編,《Qingbai Ware: Chinese Porcelain of the Song and Yuan
南宋 青白釉八菱形蓋罐                                                         Dynasties》,2002年,頁114-115,圖版58。另見一件影青八菱形執

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