Page 142 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 142

163                                                                    See a similar but smaller russet-spashed black-glazed bowl illustrated
An unusual russet-splashed black-glazed bowl                           in Zhang Bai, Zhongguo chutu ciqi quanji 5: Shanxi, Beijing, 2008,
Northern Song Dynasty                                                  pl.157.
With deep rounded sides, covered with a black glaze and five evenly-
spaced large russet-colour splashes on the interior and upper half of  口沿微微外撇,弧腹下收,小圈足,近底足光素。盌內外壁在黑釉的
the exterior, exposing the buff coloured ware.                         基礎上,以淺褐色鐵鏽斑進行裝飾,盌內心內凹,醬釉塗滿,盌內壁
15cm diam.                                                             均勻裝飾五片花瓣般醬斑,其餘空間以兔毫紋填補。整器造型飽滿,
HK$70,000 - 120,000
US$9,000 - 15,000                                                      對比1985年山西省朔州市西影寺村出土,現藏於平朔考古隊的一件黑
北宋 黑釉鐵鏽斑盌                                                              京,2008年,圖157。

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