Page 146 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 146

165                                                                       Oil-spot tea bowls were initially produced in the Jian kilns by
A fine Northern black-glazed ‘oil spot’ tea bowl                          decreasing the temperature during firing while the glazes were still
Northern Song Dynasty                                                     boiling. This had the effect of fixing iron-rich spots before they ran
Potted with steep rising rounded sides below a slightly indented rim,     down as streaks. As the spots crystallised as magnetite, the spots
covered overall in a rich lustrous black glaze densely suffused with      took on a silvery sheen. This effect was copied in the North of China in
unusually bright and attractive russet-coloured silvery ‘oil spots’, the  the Song and Jin periods by applying iron-rich slip beneath standard
unglazed foot exposing the dark brown stoneware.                          black glazes.
12.5cm diam.
                                                                          Compare with a Jianyao ‘oil-spot’ bowl sold at Sotheby’s London, 12
HK$400,000 - 600,000                                                      June 2003, lot 119.
US$52,000 - 77,000
                                                                          The result of Oxford Authentication Ltd. thermoluminescence test
北宋 黑釉油滴釉盌                                                                 no.P199r37 is consistent with the dating of this lot.



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