Page 148 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 148

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A rare small Northern black-glazed circular box                      A rare small Northern black-glazed slip-ribbed
and cover                                                            circular box and cover
Northern Song Dynasty                                                Northern Song Dynasty
The shallow box covered around the narrow side with a speckled       Raised on a short straight foot, the box and cover each decorated
black glaze, the unglazed base exposing the grey-buff ware, the      with buff-coloured thin lines in relief on a lustrous brown-black glaze.
cover similarly glazed on top thinning around the edge to a greyish  8cm diam. (2).
5cm diam. (2).                                                       HK$60,000 - 100,000
HK$60,000 - 70,000                                                   US$7,700 - 13,000
US$7,700 - 9,000
北宋 黑釉圓蓋盒                                                             北宋 黑釉貼花線紋蓋盒
外側皆施黑釉,其餘光素。整器造型小巧規整,值得賞玩。                                           The ‘ribs’ seen on the present box and cover were created by applying
                                                                     a black slip, then trailing narrow strips of white slip, the ‘ribs’, from top
146 | Bonhams                                                        to bottom before covering them with a transparent brown glaze. The
                                                                     slip-relief cream-coloured ‘ribs’ show in contrast against the lustrous
                                                                     dark brown black glaze. The technique was particularly popularl on
                                                                     larger vessels like jars, vases and ewers, although in some cases, like
                                                                     the present lot, the ribs are grouped in twos or threes.

                                                                     A similarly-glazed vase also decorated with applied clay ‘ribs’, formerly
                                                                     in the Mr and Mrs Alfred Clark Collection, is illustrated by Basil Gray,
                                                                     Sung Porcelain and Stoneware, London, 1984, p.119, no.95.


                                                                     凸出貼花因流釉變薄而露出「筋 紋」,與器身黑釉形成對比。見英
                                                                     國克拉克伉儷舊藏一件黑釉貼花線紋瓶,著錄於Basil Gray,《Sung
                                                                     Porcelain and Stoneware》,倫敦,1984年,頁119,圖95。
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