Page 172 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 172

178                                                                     A Jizhou bowl with similar resist paper-cut-out floral sprays but
                                                                        reserved on a paler ground, formerly in the Anthony R. Derham
A fine and rare Jizhou paper-cut-out ‘flower                            Collection and exhibited at the Headley-Whitney Museum (Smithsonian
sprays’ bowl                                                            Institution Affiliation), Lexington, Kentucky, was sold at Christie’s New
Southern Song Dynasty                                                   York, 26 March 2010, lot 1334.

The bowl otted with steep sides rising to an everted rim, the interior  直口,外口下一周凸棱,口以下漸收,圈足。通體施黑釉,外壁施釉
resist-decorated with paper-cut-out decoration of three leafy floral    不到底,盌內壁以剪紙貼花技法飾三足折枝梅花。
sprays on a speckled brown ground, the exterior covered with a dark
brown glaze that ends above the unglazed short foot exposing the        紐約佳士得曾售出一件Anthony R. Derham 舊藏吉州窯黑釉剪紙貼花
light brown ware.                                                       盌可資比較,2010年3月26日,編號1334。
12.2cm diam.

HK$350,000 - 400,000
US$45,000 - 52,000

南宋 吉州窯黑釉剪紙貼花紋盌 

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