Page 178 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 178

180                                                                        A Jizhou ‘leaf’ bowl of similar wide flaring conical shape from the
                                                                           Ataka Collection is in The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka, and
A rare Jizhou ‘tea-leaf-pattern’ conical bowl                              illustrated by G. Hasebe, Ceramic Art of the World, Sung Dynasty,
Southern Song Dynasty                                                      Tokyo, 1977, vol.12, pp. 109-110, figs.107-108. Another comparable
                                                                           bowl is illustrated in Oriental Ceramics, The World’s Great Collections,
Potted with wide flaring sides, covered overall in a brown-black           Tokyo National Museum, Tokyo, 1980, vol. 1, no. 94. Compare also
glaze ending in a line above the foot on the exterior exposing grey-       with a bowl decorated with a similar broad leaf sold at Sotheby’s
white ware, the interior decorated with an applied buff-coloured leaf      London, 13 November 2002, lot 69.
revealing all its veins.
15cm diam.                                                                 盞呈斗笠形,敞口,斜腹,小圈足,盌心飾一片樹葉,葉尖部位淺

HK$300,000 - 400,000                                                       色釉明顯,彷彿樹葉捲曲之效果。與本盌形制相同的吉州窯木葉紋
US$39,000 - 52,000
                                                                           盌之例子,可見大阪市東洋陶瓷美術館藏一例,刊登於G. Hasebe,
南宋 吉州窯黑釉木葉紋斗笠盞                                                             《Ceramic Art of the World, Sung Dynasty》,東京,1977年,卷
Tea-leaf-pattern bowls, muye wenyang wan or shuye tuyang wan, are          版,《Oriental Ceramics, The World’s Great Collections》,卷1,東
among the most renowned ceramics made for tea use from the Jizhou          京,1980年,圖94。倫敦蘇富比曾售出一例,2002年11月13日,編
kilns. The distinct leaf patterns were produced by applying a leaf to the  號69。
interior of a bowl and then covering the bowl in a dark brown glaze.
When fired, the leaf turns transparent, leaving an impression of the leaf
structure usually pale yellow in colour.

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